PRC/PLAN Laser and Rail Gun Development Thread


It sounds like the gun we're seeing now is most likely to be a railgun, if they've gotten past the durability issue. A reconnection gun might be a next-generation solution to the railgun's range problems; it needs to achieve a range of at least 1000 km to be a viable anti-ship weapon, but a railgun as an initial weapon might be worth exploring.


Registered Member
I read a article in chinese from other site saying this is not a pure "rail gun" sense which is why its a failure but a hybrid "rail mod" enhancement on the chinese version advanced gun system.
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Here is article for those can read chinese, english speaker can google translate

2018/02/02 08:57瀏覽1,159迴響6推薦1引用0


但是這門新炮並不是美國人做的或者我以前談的“電磁炮”(“Railgun”,嚴格來説應該翻譯成“軌道炮”),這是因爲工作原理完全不一樣:Railgun的炮彈是綫圈環路的一部分(所以磁場是垂直於軸向的),必須承載很高的電流,只有如此,才能提供足夠的加速度來達到Mach 7以上的初速(計劃中的性能,美軍的原型只做到Mach 5)。但是它的缺點也很嚴重:炮身雖然不必是密封的管狀(實際上只是兩條導軌,兼職做爲電流的接頭;這也是Railgun名字的來源),卻必須承受極大的摩擦力和電流加熱,所以射速和炮身壽命都是難以剋服的工程挑戰,以致去年有報導說美國海軍已經準備放棄。





從照片來看,這個設計似乎有傳統的炮管,那麽最可能的,就是它基本上還是火炮,只不過加上電磁助推來增程減重。如前所述,它不適合對海和對空,那麽就應該是針對打擊固定的地面目標而設計的,可以采用相對簡單便宜得多的衛星制導來打擊點目標,或者靠完全無制導的自旋穩定來打擊面目標,只要口徑夠大,能裝載足夠的炸藥,性價比還可以接受。炮彈受發射藥和電磁綫圈雙重加速,炮管的長度和厚度都可以減半,以往要10000噸的重巡洋艦才能搭載的8寸炮,現在3400噸的船就可以搞定,曲射(假設Mach 3初速)又有100公里以上的射程,那麽我想用來在臺海戰役或者對任何美軍以外的敵對方岸上據點做為火力艦進行先期炮擊,還是可能有經濟效益的。

The guy is a Chinese speaker, but not a Chinese in strict sense if we leave out the political dimension of what China and Chinese is.

Why I say this? Because I want to emphasize the apparent Nay-saying smell all over his article. That sentiment discredits him being objective, he is saying no not because of evidence but because of wanting no.

No need to read more, just the part "額外的環形外罩,應該是綫圈,所以“電磁”兩個字並非不合理" (coil like casing on the barrel) is enough to tell. Firstly, coil gun or rail gun are all EM guns, there are no fundamental difference. Using "coil gun vs. rail gun" to somehow play down the gun is "鸡蛋里挑骨头" (searching for bones in the egg), deny for the purpose of denial. Secondly, it is known that China has tested a hybrid EM gun that employs coil and rail, there is nothing bad of it from technology perspective which should the only consideration of debate.

P.S. his Chinese is not good either, 並非不合理 is opposite of opposite which is confirmative, he is essentially saying the opposite of what he actually wanted to say.


Registered Member
An EM gun engineer wrote on Zhihu three years ago, as a quick summary of China's EM gun situation:
  • He categorized EM guns into:
    • #1 Rail gun. What the Americans are doing in the prototypes
    • #2 Reluctance coil gun. Home bred EM gun projects
    • #3 Conduction coil gun. Used in XM934
    • #4 Reconnection gun. This seems to be the focus of Chinese implementation in the EM proportion on carriers
  • Challenges ahead of the Chinese project (not clear if it is in #1 or #4)
    • Super capacitor is non issue. He said the ship borne EM gun uses "magnetic flux compression generator" as energy storage, not capacitors
    • The "rail" is made of carbon. Rail durability is non issue
    • The challenge here is the tip of the rail is often burned, not due to friction, but due to high temperature caused by plasmatization of the aluminum shoe
Remember this was his comment three years ago. And who knows, we can't believe everything here.
This is not to dispute what you are posting, but merely to borrow your lists of the 4 types to illustrate my thought.

My understanding is that there are only two major categories of EM gun. Rail gun is in its own, the others are all kind of coil gun. The difference is that in rail gun, the rails and the projectile make a closed loop for current, projectile itself is part of the wires. In others, the coils make up the current loop, the projectile is not part of it. Any type of coil gun is essentially like maglev train or EM cat (linear motor), the coils make up the rail track or Cat track, the projectile is the train or sled (right name?) pulling the aircraft.


Junior Member
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Yes they are both EM guns but they are specific detail subset difference, straight rail is railgun, which has the advantage of being easier tech wise but also disadvantage of being less useful, coilgun also called a Gauss gun named after the prince of mathematics Gauss himself is more advanced but also more difficult to build. Just like Chinese and Japanese are both yellow skin asians but I am pretty sure you wouldn't want to be mistook as the other. The author's point is saying as a purely EM gun by itself is still not useful because the technology is not stable mature and very expansive, so rather make it a pure EM gun, and to showcase the Chinese ingenuity after observed USA's failure with a pure EM gun, it would be best to make a EM Modification enhancer hybrid on the existing system, like makeing a hybrid car first instead jump a bigger technological leap and making a failure hurting your crotch doing so like USA. I think what this author's opinion is very valid foundation, making a pure EM gun is too expansive and technology not mature and stable, but making a hybrid EM modification enhancer has the best overall cost performance enhancing firepower on a weight basis making a small destroyer ship has the punching power of a battleship turret. Maglev and EMcat is like railgun, you got it wrong opposite, you can just over simplify analogy, railgun is smoothbore, and coilgun is rifled
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Hybrid systems for coilguns have been proposed, i.e, a chemical propellant gets the projectile up to normal speeds, then the coilgun kicks in and adds additional acceleration. But the design clearly shows that it's likely to be a railgun instead of a coilgun system, since the terminal barrel is rectangular. Moreover, the limitation on railguns is a matter of durability at high energies, so it's difficult to see how a hybrid railgun would have advantages over a pure railgun.


It sounds like the gun we're seeing now is most likely to be a railgun, if they've gotten past the durability issue. A reconnection gun might be a next-generation solution to the railgun's range problems; it needs to achieve a range of at least 1000 km to be a viable anti-ship weapon, but a railgun as an initial weapon might be worth exploring.
I dunno about that range necessity. Ship-to-ship hostilities don't always start at 1,000km out. Sometimes, they get much closer to intimidate, warn, pester, bully each other before things turn ugly and the shooting starts, in which case, the ships would be easily within view of each other at the onset of fighting.

But in any case, I don't think there is any point in further stressing that the rail gun is not a technology that supplants the missile. It's just a big upgrade over the conventional gun and we should be happy for that.


What's the information on magnetic flux compression generator? That makes the claim seem dodgy, since magnetic flux compression generators are, and I emphasize, explosive and single-use.


Registered Member
It sounds like the gun we're seeing now is most likely to be a railgun, if they've gotten past the durability issue. A reconnection gun might be a next-generation solution to the railgun's range problems; it needs to achieve a range of at least 1000 km to be a viable anti-ship weapon, but a railgun as an initial weapon might be worth exploring.
I am not sure about it being a pure railgun at this moment. It can still be a coil gun or hybrid of both. The partial rectangular shape of the barrel is not nessesarily the definition of it being railgun.

As Kurutoga's post 278 and 279 demonstrated, only the pure coil gun has a circular barrel all the way, the other type like the one in post 278 has rectangular barrel. Like I said in post 283, all of them are essentially coil gun, not rail gun.

I am afraid that unless some technician in the project eventually was allowed to tell something in a future CCTV interview or similar circumstance, we will never know what type this gun is.


Junior Member
Registered Member
What's the information on magnetic flux compression generator? That makes the claim seem dodgy, since magnetic flux compression generators are, and I emphasize, explosive and single-use.

It seems there are other kinds that
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. His words were "MFCG and CFA, widely used in military projects". It seems he thought this is very common in EM gun design.
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I get some 20 meters of turret with barrel length. ...
... which would be about the size of
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(was now looking into Campbell's Naval Weapons of WW2 to check)
I of course refer just to the longitudinal dimension, don't know how wide the gun house is ... anyone?

so far I liked most the pair of doors though: