PRC/PLAAF & PLANAF 2015 Victory Parade Thread

Jeff Head

Registered Member
These are some REALLY great pics, by78, all of them:

Looks like a whole swarm of angry hornets coming at you!

I love these J-15s!

Just a beautiful pic!

Another beautiful Chinese flanker.

AWACS and J-10!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator

We lived about 10 miles from Sewart AFB, and I recall one morning during the mid sixties, VietNam was warming up, my Dad was getting ready to go?? and about 5am we had this large formation of C-130s in trail at about 20 second intervals at "tree-top level, there must have been 12 to 15 airplanes, they were AT tree-top level, trees swaying in the breeze, it was incredible. But I haven't seen a formation that large since maybe at Pope AFB, I seem to recall some very large formations with Airborne troops jumping?? on Armed Forces Day??

very neat pictures.


Lieutenant General
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I'm surprised they are showing off as many EW aircraft as they are.

The unofficial photographers are really raising the bar on beautiful shots and unique vantage points on the official ones come the parade.

Many of the GX aircraft have been in service for a little while and have been known to exist as well. And of course even seasoned observers may not be able to id the roles of some of the more niche EW planes.


Lieutenant General
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We didn't see any pics of J-10B doing pratice for the parade. But now you posted these high res pics of the J-10B and with the yellow strip right under the cockpit area. I think they will be in the parade afterall. Great pics Benefactor! :)

No, the yellow strip under the cockpit is formation lights/slime lights which are actually part of the aircraft, AKA not just a strip of yellow paint.

I sincerely doubt we'll be seeing J-10B in the parade.


Lieutenant General
This is in AF thread but there were much more than PLAAF. The highlight clearly I think was the revelation of AShBM DF21 & 26 and mention of their roles. Remember in the early years many scoffed at even the existence of it.

To be fair, I don't think any serious posters or analysts ever doubted the missiles existed, they just had a hard time accepting that the Chinese were able to make them precise and manoeuvrable enough to hit warships.