Well, it's not going to be called ARMv9 for legal purposes; it could be HUAv1 or something. But are you saying that it is impossible, illegal, or both for Huawei to take the ARMv8 that they have a permanent license to and improve it themselves for future upgrades?ISA = instruction set architecture
In layman's terms, it is the language of the machine (CPU). When someone write a piece of software, one typically write it in a higher level language like C/C++ (my days), Java, Swift, etc. A software call "compiler" would translate that into machine language (like ARMv9 instruction set).
Huawei can't implement a CPU that can converse in ARMv9 without a proper license. Same principle as no one can produce a CPU that runs x64 (Intel) languange without permission from Intel (which is never)
RISC V is open for everyone to use, just like Linux
Additional questions:
1. How big a task is it for Huawei to switch from ARM to RISC? Will it involve uprooting all its foundations today?
1a. Does it work with Android or Android forks?
2. How long does it typically take to upgrade ARM version? For example, how long did it take for ARMv8 to develop from 7? 7 from 6? 6 from 5?
2a. When was ARM8 introduced?
3. How significant are the upgrades to user function? For example, if we ran ARM 6 or 7 in a Huawei P30, how much would it suffer?
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