A radio conversation between a US naval ship and a Canadian naval officer off the coast of Newfoundland :
Americans : Please divert your course 15° to the north to avoid a collision.
Canadians : Recommend you divert YOUR course 15° to the south to avoid a collision.
Americans : This is the captain of a U.S. Navy ship. I say again divert YOUR course.
Canadians : No. I say again, divert YOUR course.
Americans : This is the U.S.S. Missouri. We are a large warship of the U.S. Navy. Divert your course NOW.
Canadians : This is a lighthouse. Your call.
This has been debunked many times over. It never happened. Enywho here's the story...The first rendition of the story it was an aircraft carrier. Now it's a battle ship that was decommissioned before the story occupied in 1995. The Big Mo was decommissioned on 31 March 1992. And in the original story the ship was supposedly CVN-72. Impossible. CVN-72 has always been a west coast CVN since it's commissioning on 11 November 1989.