Lieutenant General
Please write in English in here. If I understood your post correctly... I'm sure China is concerned. If China were to use Western logic, ISIS is already in China simply because it has been discovered there are Chinese Muslims fighting for ISIS now. China's not sending troops to fight ISIS in the Middle East if that's what you're arguing Beijing would if attacked by ISIS. The simple fact is civilians in China have been hacked to death by terrorists. It's no different from being as horrific as being beheaded. The critics of China will argue it's different. That's the problem because they're saying Western interests are more important than Chinese interests. China should be keeping its forces at home to fight them not far away from China to punish ISIS because Americans/Westerners were beheaded.
Let's look at it this way. The US is the leader of the most powerful military alliance of countries in the history of the world. And that alliance is demanding China send soldiers to deal with ISIS in the Middle East? None of the countries in their powerful alliance are stepping forward immediately? What about the lauded changing of the Japanese constitution to expand military powers including assisting allies? Where are they in this time of need? Yeah but somehow China is obligated not an ally that signed the contract. No tears for Chinese civilians killed by terrorists. Add it all together and it says send in the worthless Chinese as cannon fodder to fight their battles. "My life is too precious to waste." All because they refuse to recognize what they would see as outright inexcusable terrorism if it happened to them. Why aren't the Japanese stepping up after their changing of the constitution perfectly fits such an occasion? Maybe because they're too afraid of ISIS setting their sights on the Japanese? No wonder they're demanding China send in the troops instead of any alliance member.
All this because they refuse to change the narrative set in their China policy that has built distrust. They will no way ever in the slightest portray China as being the one wronged. The only way China will ever be in their good graces is a long history of obedience and the Chinese have to accept their place of being less not equal. When they won't give up anything in the slightest, that's what it means. It's more important to stand their ground on China even when alarm bells are ringing where a non-Chinese threat is attacking them.
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