After all the Yak 141's lift system was basically the never built system proposed for the model 200 and it showed that Convair got it's home work right.
Hmmm...perhaps there is some info that the PRC could yet obtain from Yak, one way or the other then.
Personally though, I believe the Chinese have a LONG way to go before they go down the VSTOL road for CAS aircraft flying off of their LHD sor LHAs.
They have to get those vessels designed and built first, then develop enough LCACs and LCUs to move men and equipment ashore, and the helos to move them ashor in air assaultand also support them...all of that before they really should be worrying about that type of aircraft.
The US Navy built the dedicated Iwo Jima Class LPH vesses (the first in the world) starting in 1960. Seven were built, followed by the much larger Tarawa LHA class of which five were built in the early to late 1970s (actually yhthe last was commissioned in 1980).
They US Navy and Marines did amphibious and air assault with those 12 vessels for a lot of years before the Harriers ever came aboard.
The US Marines got their first AV-8B Harriers aboard those ships in an IOC capacity in 1985...twenty-five years after getting their first LPH vessels.
So, I expect it will be some time before the PRC attempts anything like this..
They just have too much on their plate to develop to make the ships and the Amphibious and air assault by helo before they go there. Then, like with the US, perhaps they will probably start initial CAS for the troops with helo gunships of some sort.
...and then maybe go to VSTOL aircraft after all of that. They will not develop all of that capability overnight. It will take them 10-15 years or so.
Anyhow, that's how I see it.