PLAN Type 052D in 1/350 scale, DDG-173 Changsha

Jeff Head

Registered Member

The Build - Completing the Model
(March 30, 2014)

Well, I completed the Ka-27 helo, using the decals that came with the model. However, they are far too large, so I will later come back, remove them, and replace them with some smaller PLAN helo markings more appropriate to the scale.

Once that was completed it was just a matter of glueing it onto the helo pad, doing touch-up work with various paints, and then giving the model two good coats of dull coat paint. Here how she looks:










...and then three close ups from various angles.




So, that's the PLAN DDG-172, Type 052D DDG. A very good looking model and a very good lokking and capable vessel.

I also have the DDG-172, Kunming, as well and will build that at a later date, moving my existing Type 052C, DDG-171, Haikou, by Trumpeter to become an escort for the PLAN ARG that I will build.

To close, I took down the Type 052C, Haikou that I have, which is a Trumpeter Model, and placed it next to the newly built Bronco Model, DDG-173, Changsha, to compare them, and found that the Bronco Model is somewhat overscaled. In other words, it is larger than 1/350 scale. Maybe even close to 1/325th...several centimeteres too long. I know the Trumpter Model is to scale from measuring it out, and sure enough, this Bronco model is just a bit too long and a hair too wide. I suspect the error is in the entire scaling. Oh well, they still look good together for comparison, particularly when shown next to the 1/350 scale USS Lansen, DDG-82 (another Trumpeter model) and the USS Bunker Hill, CG-63, Ticonderoga Class cruiser I have in 1/350 scale:



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Arleign Burke DDG might be an old lady, but there's a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that the 052 C and D can't quite match- taking absolutely nothing away from the Luyang II and III, they are great ships.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Arleign Burke DDG might be an old lady, but there's a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that the 052 C and D can't quite match- taking absolutely nothing away from the Luyang II and III, they are great ships.
Well, the flight I and II ships are older...but still have a lot of years of service life left in them. And the FLight IIA ships are all newer and just keep getting built all spanking brand new.

In addition, the US has few peers with respect to being able to update vessels with the lastest sensors and weapons. The entire Burke class has been an exercise in that, with AEGIS and the Radars improving, with the Standard Missiles continuing to be improved and keeping them on the cutting edge and world-class.

So the Burkes are still the standard, even if their hull form is not quite as stealthy as some of the newer vessels being built.

But, like you, I have to say that the PLAN, particularly with the Type 052D, has itself created a cutting edge vessel. Not as heavily armed as a Burke, but a very capable and very serious competitor.