conscripts are 1/3rd of the navy, and oct+nov is 1/6th of the year. So they're rotating 1/6th the navy over 1/6th of the year..
First off I'm not agruing with you. You make valid points..however...
As being a person that actually served in an Navy...I must say no matter if the loss of personell is only 1/6th. That's way too many men to lose every year..all at the same time. It creates gaps in your force flexiblity and avaliablity. I have no idea how many men the PLAN loses every year.
It doesn't say that. It quoted one officer saying his ship returns to port to demobilize part of the crew.
This is what I was refering to;
In addition, because the PLAN
takes the demobilization date seriously, vessels
on patrol have returned to port just to disembark
NCOs who are being demobilized the
following day. The vessels are then left shorthanded
until replacements can be trained.
This has to be a disruption to readiness. Unless in some sort of stand down or re-fit ships should be ready to go to sea at any time. Period. Any Navy should not send partially manned ships to sea. It is simply not safe and a burden to the crew of those ships.
I said: I read in the report that at night at sea the PLAN would anchor because they were not allowed to operate at night. This I already knew. I have to wonder how much night operations do they do now??? It's a really diffrent navy....You said: Did you miss the part about "historically...due to weapons limitation..." then followed by "under new OMTE PLAN aircraft and vessels now routinely transition from one period to the next" ... they were only RIGHT NEXT to the historical reference to night anchoring
No I did not misread. I said "would anchor". Refering to past operations. I'm sorry if you did not understand.... I'm still curious about what they do right now for night training. I know that in the USN day is no diffrent from night. You just keep working... 24/7/365...
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