I don't understand why it's such a popular belief that a massive ship like the 12,000 to 13,000 ton Type 055 will be the main surface combatant of the PLAN when even the USN with a far bigger budget and far greater worldwide commitments does not have such a grandiose ambition. A long term build rate of 2 052D/Es and 1 055/As per year is a far more likely scenario IMO. You may have a few years early on where the 055 will play catchup given how many 052 series ships are already in the water and be constructed 2/year, but I believe that the long term trend of 055X:052X will be 1:3 or thereabouts.
Force structure of navies has been discussed on the forum before, and while I won't discuss the complexities of the Chinese navy's potential medium term force structure, I do think it's important to point out that it's likely the Chinese Navy's surface combatant fleet will maintain a significant number of frigate sized vessels as part of their orbat, so any projection of 055/X and/or 052/X production numbers need to keep in mind that they will probably be complemented by a big number of frigates too. So even if a relatively large number of 055s are produced alongside a similar (or only slightly higher) number of 052D/Xs, it does not necessarily mean it will be grandoise or ambitious or that 055s will be the navy's "main combatant," because the number of 055s and 052D/Xs needs to be considered alongside potential numbers of frigates too which will all form the Chinese Navy's blue water capable fleet.
The USN OTOH is a much more top heavy fleet, both now and will probably remain so in the foreseeable future, with a much larger number of 9k-10k ton class Burkes and Ticos, vs a smaller number of LCS/FFs for their blue water capable fleet.