PLAN Photos & Videos

Jeff Head

Registered Member


She is a nice looking vessel and the PLAN will have her outfitted and on trials in quick ordr...and then turned over to their Navy.

In a couple of yearss, we will see two Chinese carrier conducting joint operations.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
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05.03.2017...President Duarte receives models of Chinese warships. The President invited the Chinese to visit the RP again.

Philippine President and other Philippine officials visited the Chinese DDG and commented many times "great warships" "first-class navy."

The President left a message stating. "I am grateful to the Chinese government for sending warships to visit the Philippines," he said. I have seen many countries of the ship, and now I saw the Chinese Navy ships, which is the best of a warship, very safe, clean, beautiful, I am grateful to the Chinese Navy officers and men warm reception,

I agree.^^ Chinese warships are the most pristine warships I've ever seen in photos.

More Photos;

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Twenty youth members of the Philippine Coast Guard are the first to receive 10 days of education and training at the Public Security Maritime Police Academy in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China.
In February this year , the "Maritime Cooperation Union Committee" was established between the Philippine Coastguard (Philippine Coast Guard) and the Chinese Maritime Police Station, and one of the planned exchange activities (first In the news report, the training period was one month, but seems to have been adjusted for 10 days) .

In August, a ship of the Chinese maritime police officer will officially visit Manila City in the Philippines and two ships of the Philippine Coast Guard will also officially visit Guangdong Province, China.

On May 9, a training tour was held at Zhejiang Sea Guard Second Division "Maritime Police 33104".
Members are educated about processes such as search and rescue, diving activities, ship maneuvering and maritime communication / guidance. It is expected that this education and training activities will show the level of law enforcement activities of the Chinese maritime police station and at the same time withdraw the ability to handle ship and situation. Strengthen friendship between maritime police organizations of the two countries, and cultural exchanges between members are also conducted.

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Five of the best pictures I have seen from the launch of CV-17, Shandong. The PLAN put on a GREAT show for this launch:

rawImage.jpg hq720.jpg Shandong-launch-03.jpg maxresdefault.jpg 0.jpg

The head-on image is another...but we have seen a lot of that one.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Nice pics of CV-17:

From the date of launch:

PLN CV-001A - 2010-514 - 2.jpg Shandong-launch-03.jpg

From this week:

PLN CV-001A - 2017-0623.jpg

And two head on pics to compare CV-17 to CV-16...the island bridge and command space difference can clearly be seen here, along with the differences in sensors. Headon CV-16 then CV-17:




Pretty confident this is legit. Poster is Red Shark, the person who's been posting the CGIs of the 055 under construction.
