With 32 Type 056 already in service are there still any Type 037 left ?
Quite sure It remains and much more than some think.
How many do you think are still active ?
If one believed wikipedia, ~50 of the newer versions (build after 1982) and >60 of the original version (build from 1964 to 1982) are still active.
I would imagine that only very few of the old version are still active and that the older builds of the newer version are slowly retiring.
①旅顺基地导护艇4大队:651莱阳艇 652莱西艇 653曲阜艇 654成武艇 655乳山艇 656寿光艇(037IG);
②威海水警区猎潜艇71大队:621博兴艇 622蓬莱艇 624文登艇 625太康艇(037);
③威海水警区猎潜艇82大队:619惠民艇 612章丘艇 613任丘艇 634宝丰艇 635伊川艇(037IS);
由于猎潜艇77大队改编为护卫舰19大队,猎潜艇80大队撤编,614昌黎艇 631永吉艇 632长海艇 633绥中艇去向不明。
①舟山水警区护卫舰22大队:741泰顺艇(037) 743黄岩艇 744云和艇 761富阳艇 762萧山艇(037IS);
②厦门水警区护卫舰23大队:712晋江艇 713龙海艇(037IS);
③福建基地猎潜艇78大队:740仙游艇(037) 742兴国艇(037) 763上虞艇(037IS);
④温州水警区导护艇3大队:757古田艇 758永春艇 759福清艇 760长乐艇 764龙岩艇 765上杭艇(037IG);
①榆林基地护卫舰25大队:751金沙艇 752余庆艇 753东安艇 754临武艇(037IG);
②汕头水警区护卫舰24大队:766福鼎艇(037IG) 767福安艇(037IG) 774廉江艇(037II) 775新会艇(037II) ;
③北海水警区导护艇6大队:755潮阳艇(037IG) 756澄海艇(037IG) 770阳江艇(037II) 771顺德艇(037II) ;
④北海水警区猎潜艇84大队:786万宁艇 787乐东艇 788定安艇 789临高艇(037IS);
另驻港部队舰艇大队:772南海艇 773番禺艇(037II)
Do I understand this correctly that in 2015 there were still 56 of the various types left (10 of the older type 037, 20 of type 037IS and 26 of type 037IG/037II) ?
What is this "093B"? Is it what we've been calling the "095" or something else?June 2017 udapte
Since last udapte in january :
New : a 052D, a 054A, two 056
Submarines, no new Yuan until minimum end of year, sure one in sea trials and 3 in construction also possible SSN but very difficult to know.
Retired : nothing
CV : 1
001/Liaoning : 1
LPD : 3
071/Yuzhao : 4
LST + 4000 t : 33
072A/Yuting III : 9
072B/Yuting III : 6
072 I/Yuting I : 3
072 II/Yuting II : 4
072 III/Yuting II : 11
78 MSC :
Note : Jianghu are small Frigates don't have SAMs can be considered SSC.
DDG : 28
052D/Lujang III : 5
052C/Lujang III : 6
052B/Lujang I : 2
052/Luhu : 2
051D/Luda I : 2
051G1/2/DT/Luda III/IV : 4
051C/Luzhou : 2
051B/Shenzhen : 1
Project 956/EM/Sovremenyy : 2/2
FFG : 50
054/Jiangkai I : 2
054A/Jiangkai II : 24
053H3/Jiangwei II : 10
053H2G/Jiangwei I : 1
053H1/Jianghu II : 6
053H2/Jianghu III : 1
053H1G/Jianghu V : 6
Note :
Only tests/training no warships two 053H/ Jianghu I and a 053H1Q /Jianghu IV
117 SSC :
Corvettes : 57
056/A/Jiangdao : 32
037 II/Houjian : 6
037 IG/Houxin : 19
In more 037/IS/Shangai/Haiqing : dozens
Missile Boats : 60
022/Houbei : 60
Submarines 60 - 65
SSBN/SSN : 11 - 13
094/Jin : 4
092/Xia : 1 only for test
093 /Shang : 3 - 5 : 2 x 093 + 1 to 2 new 093A and normaly 1 093B planned 4
091/Han : 3
SSK : 49 - 52
039/G/G1/Song : 13, some say 16
039A/B/Yuan : 13
Project 877/636/636M/Kilo : 12
035B/G/Ming : 11
Combat support ships, large : 11
903/A/Fuchi : 8
905/Fuqing : 2
908/Fusu-Fedko : 1
Minesweepers : 37
6610 : max 6
082 / Wosao : 4
082I / Wosao : 12
082II / Wozang : 5
081 / Wochi : 4
081A / Wochi : 6
What is this "093B"? Is it what we've been calling the "095" or something else?