Good to see that you start preciate the value of source critisism and separe facts from rumours. My work haven't gone wasted....I feel so proud
However, Kongo also basically says because Chinese military capabilities are not fully revealed, the Chinese military is incapable.
Then Kongo basically states that any open data on military hardware is real, and should not be questioned.
Well, some upgrades are obvious from pictures, some are not.If this debate has shown anything, it is how little Tphuang, or anybody else in the public for that matter, knows about the Chinese version AK-176M. Which is why I always refer back to the statistics of the Russian AK-176M, then add whatever improvements we know has been done to the original AK-176M. My main issue is this. You don't start from a conclusion then build a case around it. You get the facts available then you find a conclusion. For example, you notice I have asked a number of times whether any accuracy improvements have been made on the Chinese AK-176M. From Tphuang's lack of reply, it seems that no such upgrades have been made. Maybe it hasn't been declared, but in light of the declarations of other upgrades done on the AK-176M, why is there not even a hint of an accuracy upgrade? Not even a mention of an accuracy upgrade when other upgrades were announced? Tphuang however, started from the conclusion that there was an accuracy upgrade and tried to build a case to support his belief. To this, Tphuang can only give the weak argument that since China is researching an AGS, the accuracy on the AK-176M must be improved. I have already shown how this is a logical fallacy by providing a counter example. What Tphuang says may be true, but don't you think the most likely answer is that there simply was no upgrade done to the AK-176M's accuracy?
What Tphuang says may be true, but don't you think the most likely answer is that there simply was no upgrade done to the AK-176M's accuracy?
Er... no. Your assumption that "no information = nothing there" is not justified because lack of upgrade is inconsistent with the PLA's demonstrated technological advancements across the spectrum.
You are selectively ignoring relevant information that doesn't support the conclusion you'd like to see. Then once you filter out information you don't like, you conclude that there must be nothing there.
It's clear to everyone that it is you who has a case of making non sequitur arguments. "Not knowing for certain whether X is true" is not the same as "X is not true"!
Didn't I just explain my point succintly? "if you don't know the system characteristics of A, then how do you compare it to B, even if you know the characteristics of B? It may be better than B, it may be worse than B, but the point is, you cannot make any judgement on A relative to B." The point is, we don't know enough to say it is better or worse.
Ok, if the 'logic' that they have demonstrated something of higher technical sophistication means that something considered technically simpler must have been implemented, can you explain why the Mk 54 mod 4 5 inch gun is behind in a number of characteristics to its Oto Breda 127mm counterpart? The US has demonstrated great technological capability trough its AGS program, and going by Tphuang's and your logic, the Mk 54 should be a better platform in every way , but it isn't. How do you account for that?
The point is, upgrades done doesn't mean upgrades in all characteristics were carried out. That's the assumption you all are making. For example, the 76SR gained some weight as a result of the upgrades done. Somehow you all believe that just because the Chinese did some upgrades, every aspect of it was upgraded, despite there being no mention so. There is also the problem of cost and time. Sure China may have the capability to do something, but does that mean that it is implementable at a cost they are willing to foot? Many programs in the US were cancelled not because it was undoable, but because they were not doable cost-effectively. Saying China can do something and so it must have been operationalised is yet another logical fallacy. A third point is time. Sure it may be doable, does that mean that it is doable now and has already been implemented?
Lastly, why is it that there has been no mention of any accuracy upgrade, despite the release of other details of other upgrades to the AK-176M? Even if the upgraded accuracy figure is considered sensitive, even a mere mention shouldn't that sensitive, especially when other details like upgrade in ammo capacity were already provided.
So when you compile all the assumptions and the logical fallacies inherent in your conclusion, it is quite clear which side is letting his tendencies clout his judgement. In my view, at the end, after weighing all the facts we have available, the conclusion we should make with the facts at hand is that the AK-176M is less capable. Of course, this conclusion is subject to revision should more information present itself, but until then, that should be the correct conclusion. Or one can choose to believe that China can send its astronauts to the moon and Italy cannot, so there is nothing Italy can do that China can't. Very convenient 'logic' that's not too far a spin-off of the logic displayed by tphuang.
I'm pretty sure that this new gun will be used on 052D or whatever new destroyers they are building.新型单130能发射不同口径制式弹药
解放军报5月8日报道 笔者近日从海装某军代室获悉,该室高级工程师周炳武攻克了舰炮卡膛和脱套等关键技术,使同一炮管可以发射不同口径不同弹种炮弹,并实现分装式弹药自动装填。4月底,该项成果进行实弹打靶并通过了技术鉴定。