Re: PLAN Carrier Construction
very aggressive! Assuming they start building 2 carrier in 2014 I imagine they may start another two (CATOBARs maybe 2016-2018 for commisioning in 2025 etc so by 2025 PLAN will have 5 carriers! Question is can the shipyards built 4 carriers concurrently? or will they wait till the 2 'improve' Liaoning are completely done before starting with the CATOBARs?
I think they will wait until after the first two are launched, and probably in service before taking the next step myself.
I look to the second pair of CATOBAR carriers being more of a 2030-2031 in service time frame.
Latenlazy said:
Assuming that China is testing catapults on land, I'm predicting that one of the two carriers will be equipped with a catapult. If they're building two at the same time, knowing that they intend to make a technological leap, it would make sense that one would be a safety while the other would take greater risks.
I personally do not think either one will have a cat when launched. Both will be an improved Liaoning design, but I believe both will be the same.
At the best, I see them building the capability to later upgrade to cats, but launching them with a very similar operational routine as the Liaoning...with the types of improvements mentioned earlier.
Trying to do a STOBAR and a CATOBAR at once will enter risk into the equation that they do not have to take, and I think at this stage are unwilling to take.
chuck731 said:
Liaoning herself already has 10 years of rusting in Ukraine, with interior spaces open to weather and bilge pump not running, under her belt. This probably did more of a job on her structural life than 10 years of real service with proper maintenance. So she would probably have an abreviated service life, maybe 15-20 years. So Liaoning replacement would probably have to start its construction before 2023 to be ready to replace her by 2030.
2030 would make her service life with the PLAN only 18 years...and I just do not see that happening.
The life of the Varyag and its
. She was under construction in 1991 when the USSR fell, and was over 70% complete in total, almost 100% structurally complete. In 1992 the PRC looked at buying her but could not arrive at a price with the Ukraine. After the PRC showed continuing interest, the Ukraine spent some effort doing two things. 1) Removing all of the critical systems and propulsion, and 2) Keeping her hull in reasonable shape for sale.
In 1998 she was purchased. In 2001 they got permission to get her out of the Black Sea through the Istanbul Straits. In 2002 she arrived in China, and in early 2003 the refit started in Dalian.
The Chinese shipyard spent a lot of time removing any and all surface level rust that had built up and went through her with a fine tooth comb.
As it is, I will predict right now, that after the refit and refurbishment the Chinese did over the several years that we watched it here on SD, that the Liaoning (short of any major intervening damage or problems not related to her refit and launch) is going to have a 30+ year service life with the PLAN. I expect to see her replacement building in the 2040 time frame.
The indigenous pair of STOBAR Carriers we have been talking about will apparently be built between 2014 and 2018 and put in service in 2020-2021. They will serve probably 35-40 years. Meaning they will be replaced in the 2055-2060 time frame.
I expect the PLAN will build two more conventional carriers that are purpose built CATOBAR starting in 2024-2025 to put in service in the 2030-2031 time frame. That will leave them with the five I think they will want. When those two are in service, soon thereafter we will see the Liaoning replacement be designed and built (perhaps nuclear...who knows?) to come into service in the early 2040s.
But all of that is way out on the event horizon, and we shall all just have to wait and see how it actually turns out. I feel pretty confident at this point about the Liaoning and the two improved Liaoning...after that, it's all really conjecture and the confidence level steadily drops off with the years.