PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

lol wtf. So the module we all thought is a carrier demo module is really just the basis for an office building??

Or is the office building simply taking after their demo module. Either way, it's strange.


Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

lol wtf. So the module we all thought is a carrier demo module is really just the basis for an office building??

Or is the office building simply taking after their demo module. Either way, it's strange.

Chinese Hypermodern architecture continues to surprise.


Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

I believe once their training regiment and capability to train at the land-based Naval Aviation Training Facilities and then graduate to an existing carrier is fully in place, and once they have a 2nd and 3rd carrier in place, that the Liaoning will be used as an operational STOBAR carrier.

I believe their second carrier will at first be STOBAR too, and look similar to the Liaoning, but perhaps have provisions for waste cats once they are ready for them, making the 2nd carrier at that point a hybrid STOBAR/CATOBAR carrier.

I believe with their third carrier they will go full CATOBAR.

Those are logical steps but a concern - are the J15s already designed to be capable of CATOBAR operations? Or is the thought process of the J15 having a niche STOBAR role only as a Liaoning and Liaoning+ airwing?


Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

lol wtf. So the module we all thought is a carrier demo module is really just the basis for an office building??

Or is the office building simply taking after their demo module. Either way, it's strange.

I seriously doubt it.. besides why would they build on office building on a shipyard? doesn't even make any sense!!


Lieutenant General
Re: PLAN Carrier Construction


Structure for buildings are far different than a ship, especially carriers. Anyway, it's a butt ugly building IMO.


Banned Idiot
Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

Why couldn't this be disinformation campaign, not to convince foreign progessional intelligence services that carrier related construction is really something else, but to simply saturate public domain with confusion, doubt and uncertainty?

Chinese had a history of such elaborate but not too convincing disinformation, remember the casino that would be Liaoning?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: PLAN Carrier Construction

are the J15s already designed to be capable of CATOBAR operations?
We don't know. I would think they would have designed the strength into the J-15 landing gear and undercarriage to withstand a cat launch...but we just do not know at this stage.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: PRC President reviews PLAN Naval Air

or better if Xi was man enough he should do like Vladimir putin and ride on the back of a double seat J-15 and land on the deck!

That's the funniest thing I have heard. The measurement of the courage of a leader by him taking the seat of a fighter aircraft, just because a president had done it before. Hmm... maybe a whole lot of US presidents are not man enough, but are supreme leaders of the world's most powerful military. And maybe Mao is also not man enough because he didn't take the seat of a J-6 during his time, but had been giving the West big big problems.