This will be my only point on this topic of Chinese military forum picture posting.
There are 2 or 3 major sources of Chinese military photos. There are the ones with close relationship with PLA that get more secret photos and also censors their board for any pictures that PLA deem to not be ready to be released. And there are ones with less close relationship with PLA that get all the open pictures. Either cases, if PLA is really unhappy with something that got posted, the forum moderator will get a call and have to take it down. They can keep it hidden until they get released at a later date. Sometimes, we don't see those photos until year's later when the platform is already in service.
Remember, people who post unauthorized pictures may get fired or put to jail (although this doesn't happen as much anymore). The censorship system they use for confidential material is not always consistent, so military fans often get emboldened to take greater chances and put them online. This also puts those fans in dangerous situation. I think we are all grateful that PLA is allowing more photos to come out without endangering the jobs or livelihood of those photographers. These guys don't owe us anything. So be respectful of what they post and also the risks they take.