PLAN ASW Capability


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Could you elaborate on the role of fighter jet please?
Depending on the threat environment (enemy aircraft, ship, or SAM sites in the case of Taiwan and mobile littoral units the USMC are standing up to secure mobile islands for anti-air operations), fighters could provide air-escort to ASW air assets... The speed of a fighter coupled with the usage of FLIR could also help track a large area more quickly for plumes of heat submarines tend to generate, and then feed back the information up the loop to MPA/ASW helos/ships for precise targeting.


Lieutenant General
From Henri K new type of glider finished testing in what look like Kunming lake where the institute that developed this glider is located. BTW Imran I see you have been reading this thread a lot:). I am glad somebody like my post

Another Chinese submarine glider, Haixiang 500X, finished its tests at the lake at the end of April. Developed by the Institute 702 of the CSIC group since August 2017, Haixiang 500X combines the advantages of a glider and an ALV, and has variable geometry fins.


Lieutenant General
probably get a decent sized deck on the rear of these ships
The deck size is not important what is under the ship is important It is called high frequency sonar and it can detect submarine from as far away as 750 mile radius. Actually You have 3 or 4 of this and you will cover the whole SCS sea

• SURTASS/CLFA is a low-frequency, passive and active, acoustic surveillance system installed on tactical auxiliary general ocean surveillance (T-AGOS) ships as a component of the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS).
• SURTASS provides passive detection of quiet nuclear and diesel submarines and enables real-time reporting of surveillance information to Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) commanders
. • CLFA is a low frequency, active sonar system developed to provide an active detection capability of quiet submarines operating in environments that support active sonar propagation.
• The system consists of: - A T-AGOS host ship with array-handling equipment - A towed vertical string of active acoustic projectors - A towed horizontal twin line (TL-29A) acoustic array - An integrated common processor (ICP) for processing active and passive acoustic data - A High-Frequency Marine-Mammal Monitoring (HFM3) active sonar used to ensure local water space is free of marine mammals prior to low frequency active transmission - A communications segment to provide connectivity to shore-based Integrated Undersea Surveillance System processing facilities and to fleet ASW commanders


Senior Member
Registered Member
The deck size is not important what is under the ship is important It is called high frequency sonar and it can detect submarine from as far away as 750 mile radius. Actually You have 3 or 4 of this and you will cover the whole SCS sea

• SURTASS/CLFA is a low-frequency, passive and active, acoustic surveillance system installed on tactical auxiliary general ocean surveillance (T-AGOS) ships as a component of the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS).
• SURTASS provides passive detection of quiet nuclear and diesel submarines and enables real-time reporting of surveillance information to Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) commanders
. • CLFA is a low frequency, active sonar system developed to provide an active detection capability of quiet submarines operating in environments that support active sonar propagation.
• The system consists of: - A T-AGOS host ship with array-handling equipment - A towed vertical string of active acoustic projectors - A towed horizontal twin line (TL-29A) acoustic array - An integrated common processor (ICP) for processing active and passive acoustic data - A High-Frequency Marine-Mammal Monitoring (HFM3) active sonar used to ensure local water space is free of marine mammals prior to low frequency active transmission - A communications segment to provide connectivity to shore-based Integrated Undersea Surveillance System processing facilities and to fleet ASW commanders
Why are these types of towed arrays not used on frigates?

The Observer

Junior Member
Registered Member
Why are these types of towed arrays not used on frigates?
Maybe because of their size?

I'm just guessing, but I think of sonar as underwater radar. And just like radar, lower frequency tends to be larger in size for the same positioning accuracy. This is because the individual transducer (sonar version of radar's transceiver) needs to be larger in order to generate/receive low-frequency sounds.

the larger size also means more weight and probably also cost, so there you have it.