You spent a lot of words trying to say "we're still better than the Chinese because I want to believe so."
Here's some advice, Jeff, get to the point. People with the correct number of chromosomes are able to see your point by the second sentence but you have an irritating habit of circumlocution so while you think you're successfully presenting a veneer of objectivity, you're actually just conveying a tone of disingenuousness.
You may want to read George Orwell's essay, Politics and the English Language, for advice on what not to do.
Jobjed...I jhave no quarell with you are with the Chinese people.
Please stop trying to pick a fight and a quarell where none is deisred or warranted.
I am not betteer than anyone.
I believe the US still ha a sigifnicant advantage in severaal areas. That may or may not last.
The US has been strong for two hundred years not because its people are any better as individuals than anyone else.
It is strong because people came here for freedom...and particulalry to worship God according to the dictates of their hearts.
The majority of Americans are still that way, and I believe God will honor that so His message can coninue to go forth...not to make us bette than anyone, but ass a beacon so people can become all they are capable of being.
We have problems in America because there are groups that do not want to believe or accept this...with freedom comes repeonsibility. I believe the American peoeple will rise to that challenge and America can become that kind of strong again...its the only strength that really matters...that moral strength...and it is ad should be available to everyone...but only on a free will basis.
Anyhow the whole point to this discussion is for me to let you know that I seek no quarell with you or anyone else. And that I do not believe I or any groups is better than anyone else. We are all equally loved and important in God's eyes...all else that makes America flows from that.
Anyhow...I pray God's best on you and yours.
I ray sincerely that the Chinese people will rise themselves and obtain true freedom. They are cllearly capable of great things...and I know that a truly free people can obtain the most possible good for themselves and their oloved ones.
I hope that hapens for all peoples.
I do have interesst in these technolgies. And I do have interests in the alliances of people with shared values when it comes to true liberty.
...and I hope America will repent of some of the things it has done wrong (like any nation should) and regain its strength in the process.
I rrespect greatly the Chionese people...I know thye are proud of what they are accomplishing...and they deserve to be, particularly as they use these strengths to forge forward peasfully and make friends with those who should and could be their friends.
That is my firmest and heartfelt hope.
I may not live to see it...but I also know that I will see it from where I know I will be after my mortal life is over.
In the neam time, I hope you will accept my words here as they are sincerely given.
SD is great place and has been for years. I hope it remains so.
To you, to
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@Dfangsaur and all others here, I say these things in humility and sincerely. My own health ontinues to deteriorate and I know the Drs are amazed that I have lved almost two years now when back then they said I had 3-4 months left. But I know there are things the good Lord wants me to do, and I will do it as long as I can.
And in the mean time...just let's bury whatever hatchet. Okay?
God's speed.