Here's an interesting "glide bomb" based on the KAB-1500KR that the PLAAF might be interested in:
I think the PLAAF today has similiar-level "smart" bombs technology as USAF in 1991, but the numbers are far smaller. The PLAAF today only has limited numbers of Su-30's and Q-5E/F's with LGB's or TV guided bombs.
I also think there's still a place for unguided, "dumb" bombs. With better ground-attack radar/systems, it's possible to achieve high hit ratio with dumb bombs. The Israelis equipped 8 F-16A's with 2 mk 84's each in Operation Opera (1981 vs. Iraqi Osirak reactor), and they claim all 16 bombs were delivered on target, though 2 were duds and the other 14 successfully exploded.
So given a well trained and equipped AF, I think "dumb" bombs are still very capable in destroying stationary targets with high rate of success. Also, being "dumb" means not successible to counter-measures. For an example, during the Falklands war, the HMS Conqueror's captain opted to use Mk 8 "dumb" torpedos rather than the newer Mk 24 Tigerfish homing torpedos against ARA General Belgrano.