PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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Do the math on how much force capacity the US would need to deploy to do what you’re suggesting first. The US doesn’t have infinite ships and infinite planes and infinite bases with infinitive magazine depths.
You don't even need to use such an exaggerated example as "infinite". The US will run out of ships, subs, and missiles due to attrition quickly enough that they will resort to tactical nukes to salvage their own situation. Clowns are asking if China can offer reassurance that they will not resort to nukes to avoid losing in a conventional match. That is projection as usual for Westerners. The real question is whether the US will offer reassurance they will not resort to nukes to avoid losing in a conventional match. The answer is that they won't, they can't, and even if they say they won't, you should never trust them because they lie like they breathe.


You don't even need to use such an exaggerated example as "infinite". The US will run out of ships, subs, and missiles due to attrition really quite quickly.
It is important that I use the term infinite to highlight how much the blockade argument being presented seems to involve unexamined assumptions of infinitives that I am asking to be examined. There is no point proceeding in any scenario work discussions if those infinitives are not examined first. Hence the emphasis.
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It is important that I use the term infinite to highlight how much the blockade argument being presented seems to involve unexamined assumptions of infinitives that I am asking to be examined first. There is no point proceeding in any scenario work discussions if those infinitives are not examined first. Hence the emphasis.
I know. I guess my position is that when I see people who are extremely confident in total ignorance of how wrong they are, I just add them to my block list. Some of you guys put in the effort to disprove what is wrong and back it up with facts. I can't be bothered because the number of people who think they know something but know nothing is billions. Easier to just filter out all the noise and only read what is most likely to be signal.


I know. I guess my position is that when I see people who are extremely confident in total ignorance of how wrong they are, I just add them to my block list. Some of you guys put in the effort to disprove what is wrong and back it up with facts. I can't be bothered because the number of people who think they know something but know nothing is billions. Easier to just filter out all the noise and only read what is most likely to be signal.
I think this is one of those cases where someone is presenting a good teaching moment. I want to see if they’re willing to do the legwork to actually justify their arguments beyond fuzzy hand wavy abstractions. No one learns and sharpens their understanding without first looking at their own assumptions, and I think today we have some cases of people not realizing that there are assumptions they’re making that they should probably try to scrutinize more closely.


Senior Member
You don't even need to use such an exaggerated example as "infinite". The US will run out of ships, subs, and missiles due to attrition quickly enough that they will resort to tactical nukes to salvage their own situation. Clowns are asking if China can offer reassurance that they will not resort to nukes to avoid losing in a conventional match. That is projection as usual for Westerners. The real question is whether the US will offer reassurance they will not resort to nukes to avoid losing in a conventional match. The answer is that they won't, they can't, and even if they say they won't, you should never trust them because they lie like they breathe.
The other aspect is that when dealing with such opponents willing to launch nuclear preemptive strikes (among other things), that it becomes incumbent on China and Russia to ensure that in such an event they will be the last ones standing still able to pack nukes.


You guys all need to cool it with the nuclear talk btw. The US isn’t even willing to entertain a no fly zone against Russia out of fear of nuclear escalation. However big you guys think the US’s hate boner for China or hegemonic prestige boner for itself is, it’s pretty clear the US does seem to care a lot about baseline survival that’s rationally meaningful. And there really isn’t much to discuss if this situation goes nuclear anyways.


Senior Member
You guys all need to cool it with the nuclear talk btw. The US isn’t even willing to entertain a no fly zone against Russia out of fear of nuclear escalation. However big you guys think the US’s hate boner for China or hegemonic prestige boner for itself is, it’s pretty clear the US does seem to care a lot about baseline survival that’s rationally meaningful.
If we were dealing with Cold War-era rational players such as Lyndon Johnson or Robert McNamara that would make sense, but as the US is now reaching Nazi levels of political ideological extremism they may very much do so out of irrational desperation, which is why being prepared for such possibilities is still the prudent course of action.


If we were dealing with Cold War-era rational players such as Lyndon Johnson or Robert McNamara that would make sense, but as the US is now reaching Nazi levels of political ideological extremism they may very much do so out of irrational desperation, which is why being prepared for such possibilities is still the prudent course of action.
No lol. You guys are seeing chickenshit and misreading it as cowboy bravado. These people are talking loudly because they’re scared, not because they’re suicidally hateful.


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China's biggest vulnerability would be its trade routes and sea lanes. If you look at it from a purely objective POV. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to guess where the US and its allies would choose to focus their efforts in a prolonged conflict.

It currently does not have the same capacity to do sustained deployment of large CSG away from its continental shelf. It also has very sparse over seas bases and resupply depots. Its refueling assets for the PLAAF is also a small fraction of that of the US, and cannot have large fleet of strike platforms too much beyond the first island chain. The US is also beefing up its marine expeditionary units to do air and sea control around island groups.

Given this, places like the strait of Malacca, and too lesser extent Lombok and Sunda, would be major choke points that adversaries can use to choke off trade and especially energy. Some amount of increase in over land routes could mitigate some of the issues, but at a much higher cost, and possibly some delays. Other straits like Tsushima, Batanes, and Miyako would also be choked off to some extent, although those locations would be highly contested. The Indian Ocean is another area that would even be more difficult for China to do any commerce protection and the like.

Just looking at this dispassionate way, the current platforms and force structure of China would not allow much possibility of countering those types of moves.
If US uses the bulk of its forces (which will be needed) to be in the Indian ocean to cut civilian goods trades coming out of China, China shouldn't try to play convoy protection, because as you also noticed, it's force structure is not optimized for it.

Instead, China would exploit the lack of US power in East and southeast Asia, to directly strongarm neighbors into supporting Chinese war effort.

Let Americans stay west of Malacca and sink as many commercial ships they want, China will threaten SK, Japan, Thailand, anyone else in range, saying, obey our total sanctions on US and start supporting our war effort, or get invaded. US will then be starved of necessary imports to replenish both civilians and military, while China still has its in house industry fully functioning.

Then from there, it's just a matter of building more missiles, more ISR assets, and keep pot shotting at American vessels hiding in the high seas, like the u boat hunt in ww2, while the PLA island hops against US forces across the Pacific.

All the resources from its neighbors will give China more than enough boost to keep going. There's also some chance that US will piss off the global community so much by disrupting global trade that China won't even need to go fully Imperial Japan on Asia to make them all bend the knee. Not that China would hesitate about doing so, if it was a war about protecting China itself.
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