Well, I have to made some correction for netspider.
A typical US Army Squad's size can vary depending on type of unit:
1 fireteam of 5 men and 1 fireteam of 4 men and the Squad Leader (for light infantry).
for the mechanized infantry, it's up to 16 soldiers per squad divide in 2 team (each team is assigned to a section, the word section is use for armor/vehicule unit only, each section is 2 vehicule)
A Canadian Infantry SECTION (we called them section in Canada, not squad) is made of 8 soldiers, 2 team leader, 2 rifleman, 2 gunner and 2 grenadier
Well, there's multiple reason why there's no loader in the US Army and Canadian Army structure.
1st: Each soldiers have to carry ammo for the team's machine gun. Each soldiers have to carry a drum of 200rounds for the machine gun.
2nd: We have removed the loader or assistant gunner because it was useless, before, the assistant or the loader was helping the gunner fed the ammo belt and changing the gun's barrel when it overheated, but with the SAW, those jobs became much more easier.
3rd: The 5.56mm NATO round is also lighter than the 7.62mm, so you don't have to dedicated a soldier to carry ammo, each guy can carry some and it wouldn't affect so much, since each 200 rounds drums of 5.56mm is 3.1kg, it's still somehow heavy but it's lighter than the old 200 7.62mm belt...Those were really heavy...
4th, we don't have loader/assistant gunner for 5.56mm MG but we still have them for 7.62mm MG. The C6/M240 (Canadian and US version of the FN MAG) team usally have a assistant gunner/loader, but they have weapon (usally M16/C7A1) but their combat load is different.
A typical US Army Squad's size can vary depending on type of unit:
1 fireteam of 5 men and 1 fireteam of 4 men and the Squad Leader (for light infantry).
for the mechanized infantry, it's up to 16 soldiers per squad divide in 2 team (each team is assigned to a section, the word section is use for armor/vehicule unit only, each section is 2 vehicule)
A Canadian Infantry SECTION (we called them section in Canada, not squad) is made of 8 soldiers, 2 team leader, 2 rifleman, 2 gunner and 2 grenadier
Well, there's multiple reason why there's no loader in the US Army and Canadian Army structure.
1st: Each soldiers have to carry ammo for the team's machine gun. Each soldiers have to carry a drum of 200rounds for the machine gun.
2nd: We have removed the loader or assistant gunner because it was useless, before, the assistant or the loader was helping the gunner fed the ammo belt and changing the gun's barrel when it overheated, but with the SAW, those jobs became much more easier.
3rd: The 5.56mm NATO round is also lighter than the 7.62mm, so you don't have to dedicated a soldier to carry ammo, each guy can carry some and it wouldn't affect so much, since each 200 rounds drums of 5.56mm is 3.1kg, it's still somehow heavy but it's lighter than the old 200 7.62mm belt...Those were really heavy...
4th, we don't have loader/assistant gunner for 5.56mm MG but we still have them for 7.62mm MG. The C6/M240 (Canadian and US version of the FN MAG) team usally have a assistant gunner/loader, but they have weapon (usally M16/C7A1) but their combat load is different.
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