Some information on the Chinese .338LM/8.6mm rounds. Currently three factories are make them under the umbrella small arms modernization program known as Project 1224.
The 8.6mm come in two versions: a sniper round and a machine gun round. Both feature full brass casing. The sniper round has basically identical dimensions as the .338 Lapua Magnum. The machine gun round has a slightly shorter casing and a noticeably shorter neck than the sniper round.
Compare the casings. A foreign-made .338LM is on the far left, the middle two are the Chinese 8.6mm sniper rounds, and the on the far right is the Chinese 8.6mm machine gun round:
Machine gun round on the left and sniper round on the right:
Sniper round on the left and machine gun round on the right. Although their casing lengths differ, the full ammo lengths are about equal:
8.6mm sniper round compared to 7.62mm sniper round:
The 8.6mm come in two versions: a sniper round and a machine gun round. Both feature full brass casing. The sniper round has basically identical dimensions as the .338 Lapua Magnum. The machine gun round has a slightly shorter casing and a noticeably shorter neck than the sniper round.
Compare the casings. A foreign-made .338LM is on the far left, the middle two are the Chinese 8.6mm sniper rounds, and the on the far right is the Chinese 8.6mm machine gun round:

Machine gun round on the left and sniper round on the right:

Sniper round on the left and machine gun round on the right. Although their casing lengths differ, the full ammo lengths are about equal:

8.6mm sniper round compared to 7.62mm sniper round: