PLA Photos & Videos

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
^^^ Those are the cleanest artillery rounds I've ever seen. That's either photo shopped, fake display rounds..or some poor snuffy shined those babies up.


Lieutenant General
^^^ Those are the cleanest artillery rounds I've ever seen. That's either photo shopped, fake display rounds..or some poor snuffy shined those babies up.

Somebody must have done something to tick off his NCO. Hopefully the NCO was not annoyed enough to make him/them polish the shells with tooth brushes. :p

Jokes aside, the PLA does get pretty anal when it comes to things like tidiness. I remember some of my friends telling me how they were ordered to make their bed so that the blankets had straight sides and actual pointed corners when they were doing their mandatory military training before starting uni.

Some poor kid just couldn't pull it off to the drill Sergeant's satisfaction, so the drill Sergeant poured a bucked of water over the blankets and soaked it through and through to make it 'easier' for the kid to make proper corners.

If they are that harsh with college students, one can imagine what actual soldiers are expected to manage.



A Chinese soldier operates a LLDR during a live-fire air defence exercise in Henan province.

The "LLDR accurately targets enemy positions during the day, at night and in nearly all battlefield conditions including haze, smoke, fog and rain. It provides an unique capability to forward observers....

Using an eye-safe laser wavelength, the system recognizes targets, finds the range to a target, and fixes target locations for laser-guided, GPS-guided, and conventional munitions. This lightweight, interoperable system uniquely provides range finding and targeting information to other digital battlefield systems."


That's some massive LAN there. They also have their roles assigned. I think in the first pic the guy on the rightmost is playing the role of a sniper.