PLA Photos & Videos


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

Not really ROTC, just some discipline training for first year college students. They don't have enough time to do much more than march in formation and certainly don't learn enough to be a useful soldier. The highlight comes down to getting to fire a few shots from a rifle. My wife said it was just a hot, annoying waste of time.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

Is this training mandatory for all first year college students??

I asked this question to generate a little discussion:)

The highlight comes down to getting to fire a few shots from a rifle. My wife said it was just a hot, annoying waste of time.

I've read similar statements several times. Could the true reason for this "training" is to interject some discipline in these young peoples lives?


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

I've read similar statements several times. Could the true reason for this "training" is to interject some discipline in these young peoples lives?


The training is probably a waste of time for those not interested with the military. But the PLA has been trying for the past couple of years to recruit more college educated personel.

Those anyone know if these college training units are mix with those enlisting? Or if the college units train next to units with enlisted personel?

In a couple of the video links I posted experts have observed the Party and the PLA after Tiannamen had created a program to create a better understanding and build better relations with the people.
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Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

Also they have this program that these young adults are sent by the request of the parents to insert some discipline into them.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

:china: Thanks for posting those Photos! Excellent selection. However next time use a photo hosting site such as tinypic or imageshack to host your photos.

To do this you need to download the photos to your computer. Next upload them using the photo hosting site. I'm sure you can figure it out.

Please read this post about "hotlinking".

Hotlinking from Chinese websites is particularly unsafe as many Chinese websites have aggressive spy ware and worms attached.

五星红旗, I moved your drawings of the J14b to the PS and artist renditions thread. Whereas there is no proof of such an aircraft exist. Please post only real PLA gear/personnel in this thread. Thank you.

A link to the PS and artist renditions thread;
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Re: Chinese military photos

I asked this question to generate a little discussion:)

I've read similar statements several times. Could the true reason for this "training" is to interject some discipline in these young peoples lives?

I agree with popeye on this one. Apparently, many people in China believe that kids nowadays are seriously spoiled and needs some discipline. According to my wife who has done this, all four-year college first years have to do it. Mostly, they do this in the Summer before the school starts. It usually takes about one to two months. Some college send their students to army camps while others invite training officers to the college campus (wife's college did this). I think I also mentioned it in oue of my early posts that at the end, they got to shoot AKs, 5 shots and all. and to the students, the most important thing is actually the photo session after that. I mean, who doesn't want to take pictures with you holding a big old gun? My wife has one and she shows it off to everyone.

Not only colleges, some high schools actually do it too. I left China in my freshman year in high school. In the summer before the start of school, we were sent to a military academy in shijiazhuang (I think it was called the 6th air force academy). We stayed there for about a month and got basic training like marching, marching and oh yeah, marching... And the bad part is we didn't even get to shoot guns :nono: since they thought we were too young for that. It was pretty boring, getting up at 6 am, jogging, breakfast, marching, lunch, more marching, dinner...

The only thing was we were in the field at the same time with some security force also getting training. And we actually saw a kid not too much older than us got whipped and kicked by one of the officers for lackluster performance. I still remember that officer had a bald head and a very vicious look. We started yelling at him and he stopped. Our captain (the officer who led the training) told us that it's about time someone stood up to that bald guy who was notorious for beating people.

The good part of it was that we got to see all the cool planes, mostly J-6 and J-7, I think. We also made friends with the captains who trained us. One of them actually came to visit us at our high school when he came to Beijing on a business trip.
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Re: Chinese military photos









Another translation please! What is up with the guys with the fans on their backs???:confused:

It doesn't say anything about that fans, only training was tough. I think the fans are weights and those soldiers might be paratroopers who will have to use this type of fans.


Re: Chinese military photos


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It doesn't say anything much, just mentioning about how to train an "iron" soldier. The last paragraph is a declaration of photo copyright.

The guys with fan on their back, I think that are powered chutes.