PLA Photos & Videos


Re: Chinese military photos

use his feet

Using feet to rotate the gun is slow and not effective, if the ground which the gun is sitting is sandy then it would be even worse.

Just found this pix a few days ago, wonder how old it is. If it's recent then the J-6s are still flying? :confused:

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

Do you know they were killed by islamic terrorists?

Prove it.

I feel so funny that the western medias only take pictures on people not ethnic Han passing by PAPs, in a city 80% of the population are ethnic Han.

BBC etc are just a bunch of liers(lairs)

The photographers are located around and in the Uighur neighborhood.


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

id what? the weapons?
OK PLA experts!:D ID these photos!!

It showed in the pic, DF-4 missile

type 63 APC

PLZ89 122mm SPG
PHL81 122mm MRLS

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

szbd, thanks for contributing to this thread!:)

According to chinese official report. Can you prove the opposite?

Nope, I was not there. However I would not be surprised if radical Islamic terrorist were responsible..

Yeah, and carefully selected.
Really By whom?

Thanks szbd for ID-ing that gear. I do not read Chinese and do not trust that goffy google translator..Thanks again.:)


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

I found these pics at The google translation sucks. I would like one of our fine members to translate the original Chinese caption. Thanks!

2009年6月17日,我国“长城6号”国家反恐怖演习的最后一个科目——“处置化工厂爆炸恐怖袭击”在河北涿州举行。演习假想某化工厂遭“恐怖分子”袭击,厂区工人受困,剧毒化学物质储罐被炸损。河北省启动各级反恐指挥部,迅速清剿“恐怖分子”,灭火排爆,救治和处理伤亡人员,妥善处置现场有毒化学物质。应河北请求,国家紧急协调国家反恐应急专业处置力量、国家反恐怖专家咨询组人员前往现场支援处置。通过演习,有效检验化学爆炸袭击现场处置与救援工作,国家反恐应急处置力量跨区调用机制、应急机动和实地处置能力,组织民众应急疏散和防护等能力和水平。自6月9日起,“长城6号”国家反恐怖演习先后在内蒙古、山西、河北等环京地区 举行。人民网记者 王明浩河北省公安厅新闻中心 摄影报道

It's about the last program of the "greatwall No.6" anti terrorism drill, handling terrorism attack on chemical factory. The drill took part in Zhuozhou, Hebei province (about 130km from beijing.). The task assume some worker were trapped and poisonous chemicals leaked. The Hebei province launched anti terrorism command and deal with the situation. National anti terrorism force came to reinforce.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos

szbd, Thanks!

That google translator is often times..well all the times goofy when translating Chinese to English.

Thanks again!


Junior Member
Re: Chinese military photos

Well yeah that guy doesen't seem to wear earmuffs which is considerable defict. In fact I've noticed that PLA doesen't pay much attention to it in general as well...

...other than that, thats one hell of a kicks he is getting:D:D
One of the famous things you can do with your pants on is to fire full charge artillery rounds....feels like getting punched at every spot of your body at the same time, yet it's addicting...we used to miss firing full charges with D-30 when we changed to 155K98 becouse the rule of the thumb is that better kicks the shorter the tube is.

PLA has ear plugs, put inside the ears. I have a friend who was an artilary officer in 38th army, in a type 86 100mm anti tank gun battalion. He said the plugs work fine. One thing for sure, he doesn't have hearing problem.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese military photos







Chinese Security forces patrol the streets of Urumqi moments before Friday noon prayer, known as Jumu`ah to Muslims, Xinjiang province, China, 17 July 2009.