PLA Next Generation Main Battle Tank


Registered Member
Found a 3D render that is extremely similar to the ballistic model seen in a presentation from a few months ago


Seems like they went back to a 6 wheel configuration?
Related as per below - More latest hints on how a Chinese next-gen MBT could look like by Norinco:



New Member
Registered Member
damn, correct me if i'm wrong but the pics look like next gen tank retains the hull autoloader system? Here's to hoping they change it to a bustle loading autoloader similar to the ZTQ-15 and Japanese MBTs. the Much faster reload speeds or bustle loading would be a nice have for one.


Lieutenant General
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Maybe post it to the CGI/artwork thread instead?

I think it's relevant to the thread, and for other threads, posting unofficial speculative CGIs are fine so long as people can recognize that they do not represent the final product.

It is also a good exercise for people to practice their common sense and to know that seeing a CGI or art with some random "information" does not make something legitimate.


New Member
Registered Member
of course it doesn't make it the final product but maybe can derive what the company hopes to implement in their future products to an extent (with lots of grains of salt of course) i guess? More accurately, i kinda hope that norinco adopts some of the ZTQ-15 loading feature into future MBT concepts on the prev threads. (unless the trailer and CG tank models are made by the Norinco marketing team independent of what the designers in the backroom are actually making then discard my previous comments)