PLA next/6th generation fighter thread

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Registered Member
Gorgeous Dorito, though I could do with a longer/thicker nose.

Congrats on these milestones and certainly a testament to the OPSEC of the projects that the tri-jet idea was kept quiet for so long and that SAC's frame came basically out of the blue.

Im enjoying all the copium emanating from the Muskrat's shithole.

Would you look at that. A spineless coward immediately twisting the trijet design to a more favourable narrative.
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Screenshot just in case:
View attachment 141667

Its funny seeing them squirm.

Another one is "well, we have had NGAD frames flying since 2018" and you have nothing to show for it, boy. Congrats on playing yourselves


Registered Member
A guy went to jail over this. We ought to honor his martyrdom by poring over every detail of this picture.
Cmon not jail, likely they just ask some questions and put him on a watchlist. At most his house gets searched.

And tbf the police is just doing their job, how else would you know the person with a comically large camera, maybe climbing on some tree, isn't a spy?
If it was the other way around:

"selecting a single engine design does make you think about their aero production capacity"
US selecting the 0 engine and indeed 0 fixed design at all for the current NGAD does make you think about... Well everything really *shrugs
At least one mod here did caution along the same lines when the rumors first appeared
I guess the Shenyang aircraft exists solely to splash cold water on morons like that, maybe it doesn't even have any function at all aside from proving that :D
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