QBZ-191 service rifle family


Registered Member
Is it true that PAP + Public security budget is higher than the budget of whole PLA?

Lol where did you read that??

Public security only gets hand me downs from PLA and PAP sometimes get frontline PLA stuff, but usually also hand me downs.

None of the police agencies obviously have remotely as much resources or equipment as the military.


Tyrant King
Whatever they were working on with that rifle the extended tube doesn't appear to be on the CS/LR17. 9QC5lYF.jpgthere is clearly a hinge for folding on this side of the rifle. Now these days their are a small number of emerging Folding AR Rifles.
These use either a truncated buffer tube.
A special hinge mechanism the locks the buffer spring back in the tube then separates the tube from recever
Or a compacted BCG with multiple springs or a strong spring and a closed recever. However I suspect that none of those apply and the Chinese went back to basics.

Edit: guys the PAP PLA budget thing is OT.download (6).jpeg


Lol where did you read that??

Public security only gets hand me downs from PLA and PAP sometimes get frontline PLA stuff, but usually also hand me downs.

None of the police agencies obviously have remotely as much resources or equipment as the military.

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China spending puts domestic security ahead of defense
Budget rise highest in western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet
CK TAN, Nikkei staff writer
MARCH 14, 2018 16:47 JST
BEIJING -- While China's stepped-up military posture has resulted in increasing confrontations with India, the U.S., Japan and other countries, Beijing has actually been pouring even more resources into domestic security than external security.
China's annual spending on domestic security has more than tripled since 2007, to reach 1.24 trillion yuan ($193 billion) last year, according to an analysis published on Monday by Adrian Zenz, who researches Chinese policy in Tibet and Xinjiang at the European School of Culture and Theology in Korntal, Germany. By his calculations, the total was about 19% more than both the comparable figure for the U.S. and the amount China spent on external defense.
China has pared back publication of information on security spending in recent years, amid negative attention from foreign media. The increase in security spending has been highest in areas with major populations of religious and ethnic minorities. The government of what is formally the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region said last month that its security spending alone rose 92.8% last year from 2016 to reach 57.95 billion yuan. It had spent only 5.45 billion on security in 2007.
On per capita basis, China spent 3,137 yuan on security last year in Tibet and 2,417 yuan in Xinjiang, Zenz estimated, compared with a national average of 763 yuan. Beijing has focused attention on these two areas due to social unrest. In the case of Xinjiang, the authorities have sought to stop attacks on police and security forces while in Tibetan areas, they have focused on stopping public self-immolations. This year marks the 10th anniversary of ethnic riots in Tibet that resulted in heavy casualties.
"We will continue the [initiative to] take strict preventive measures against violent and terrorist activities and see them firmly stamped out," Premier Li Keqiang told the National People's Congress on March 5. Authorities have implemented a series of counterterrorism measures, involving biometric scanning, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies.
A lawmaker from Xinjiang told the parliament on Tuesday that the supervision carried out "online and offline, domestically and overseas, in and out Xinjiang" had helped to keep terrorism at bay last year.
An ethnic Tibetan who visited Lhasa last autumn told Nikkei that he had been forced to go through stricter security checks than members of China's majority Han ethnic group. "We cannot express ourselves as we please even among family members," he said.
A public security volunteer looks at her mobile phone in central Beijing. © Reuters
In Beijing, where per person security spending of 1,651 yuan trailed only the two minority regions, police and civil volunteers now stand guard at key locations, supplementing security cameras. Journalists covering the ongoing legislative meetings have been subjected to more rigorous checks than in recent years.
According to Zenz's report, which was published by U.S. think tank Jamestown Foundation, domestic security spending has exceeded external defense spending since 2010. The gap has grown since Xi Jinping became president in 2013. Domestic security, in Zenz's figures, including spending on police, courts and prosecutors.
Nikkei staff writer Oki Nagai in Beijing contributed to this article.

Deleted member 13257

Here's some more images of CS/LR17






Some information regarding the CS/LR17

China's new generation of assault rifles has not yet been fully disclosed. The details are not known to the outside world. However, from the perspective of the development of a new generation of foreign trade rifles and assault machines, we can still see some clues. First, the new generation of assault rifles should be one. A rifle. Recently, senior engineer - Comrade Huang Xueying's advanced deeds, mentioning that in the past year, Comrade Huang Xueying has been able to install troops for new types of firearms, and conducted several months of appraisal tests. This shows the long-awaited new generation of domestic assault rifles. It should have passed the design appraisal, and the public appearance is just around the corner.

The domestic CS/LR17 series assault rifle debuted, which also filled the gap in China's modular rifle. At first glance, the CS/LR17 modular rifle is an advanced modular rifle developed by the North Industries Group. The western style of the whole gun is also known as the Chinese ACR. Different from the previous Type 95 or Type 03, the internationally popular Picatinny rail has been added as a whole

The domestic CS/LR17 series assault rifle is a complete western-style rifle, and the design idea is very advanced, catching up with the mainstream of foreign light weapons. The CS/LR17 modular gun family consists of three calibers, 5.56 x 45, 7.62 x 39, 7.62 x 51. These three calibers are currently the mainstream of foreign trade, and these three calibers, in addition to 7.62X39, include four types of guns, namely, combat rifles, assault rifles, precision rifles and class machine guns. However, such a weapon is destined to be a foreign trade product, but the weapons exported to domestic sales are not without, such as the domestic CQ rifle. However, there is only a small amount of equipment, so it is unlikely that the CS/LR17 rifle will become the next-generation rifle of our army. It may be just a special task for our special forces.

We can speculate that the standard version of the new generation of assault rifles will replace the existing Type 95 assault rifles, the short barrels will be equipped with special combat units, and the precision shooter rifles and rifles with long barrels will replace the active Type 88 sniper rifles and Type 95 classes. rifle. In order to comprehensively improve the long-range fire suppression ability of our military units. The general view at home and abroad that the potential of the modern rifle itself has been excavated, and further improvement of performance requires the installation of various tactical accessories to achieve, so the development trend of the new century rifle is to use standard tactical rails, install various tactical accessories to improve the rifle in various environments. Ability, 95 rifle design is earlier, less consideration in this regard, so the new generation of assault rifles should focus on improving this performance, from the domestic new generation of foreign trade rifles, it uses the Western advanced rifle up and down machine design, can Provides a stable and reliable machine top for easy installation of full-size tactical rails, while the new KEY-MOD tactical rails are installed at the same time, with better function expansion capabilities. Overall, the emergence of the CS/LR17 series of assault rifles has changed the long-term backwardness of our light weapons design. The design idea has also undergone a major change. What is interesting is that the CS/LR17 series of guns are only foreign trade guns. I believe that the next generation of firearms for my own use is still very exciting.

Another Article:

Recently, senior engineer - Comrade Huang Xueying's advanced deeds, mentioned that in the past year, Comrade Huang Xueying has been able to install troops for new types of firearms, and conducted several months of appraisal tests. This shows that the long-awaited domestic new-generation assault rifle should be It has been approved by design and public appearance is just around the corner. The new generation of assault rifles has not yet been fully disclosed. The details are not known to the outside world. However, from the perspective of the development of a new generation of foreign trade rifles and assault machines, we can still see some clues. First, the new generation of assault rifles should be a support. rifle.

Because a new generation of foreign trade rifles and submachine guns have adopted a supporting structure, it can be determined that the relevant domestic units should be redirected to have a gun. The domestic new-generation assault rifle is also likely to have a rifle. The new generation of assault rifles in China should adopt a modular structure to adapt to different operational environments. The battlefield environment in the new century is increasingly complex. There are both traditional battlefield conflicts and non-traditional security environments. Countries and regional experience have shown that a model and caliber are very suitable. All combat environments, such as the NAR series module rifle, include two diameters of 5.56 and 7.62 mm. Each caliber has a standard type, a long barrel precision shooter type, a short barrel assault type, etc., so it can be speculated that the domestic new generation assault rifle should There are also two models in two series of 5.8 mm and 7.62 mm.

The general view at home and abroad that the potential of the modern rifle itself has been excavated, and further improvement of performance requires the installation of various tactical attachments. Therefore, the development trend of the new century rifle is to use standard tactical rails and install various tactical attachments to improve the rifle in various environments. Ability, 95 rifle design is earlier, less consideration in this regard, so the new generation of assault rifles should focus on improving this performance, from the domestic new generation of foreign trade rifles, it uses the Western advanced rifle up and down machine design, can Provides a stable and reliable machine top for easy installation of full-size tactical rails, while the new KEY-MOD tactical rails are installed at the same time, with better function expansion capabilities.

We can speculate that the standard version of the new generation of assault rifles will replace the existing Type 95 assault rifles, the short barrels will be equipped with special combat units, and the precision shooter rifles and rifles with long barrels will replace the active Type 88 sniper rifles and Type 95 classes. rifle. In order to comprehensively improve the long-range fire suppression ability of our military units.


Tyrant King
Don't know what images you were trying there Mr. @Saru but it seem to have been a failure. This is why Hotlinks are a no no. Many sites prevent it.
China's new generation of assault rifles has not yet been fully disclosed.
Almost the Into to this thread word for word.
At first glance, the CS/LR17 modular rifle is an advanced modular rifle developed by the North Industries Group.
More like par for the course. Since the XM8 we have seen many rifles with the same basic features. The CZBren2 For example is basically a clone of the Scar. HK's new rifle.

A few have broken from the mold with some unique as features I would class as "Advanced" for example the Barretta ARX160 doesn't just have the features you expect multi barrel, rail system Folding adjustable stock. But takes ambi beyond with a tools free reversible ejection port, and experimental powered rail systems.
internationally popular Picatinny rail
Picatinny arsenal in the US is where the name comes from but all they did was standardized a set of rails based on existing products. A.R.M.S co had started doing that already both based on the Weaver rail system. The MIL-STD 1913 rail system. Derived from this is the NATO rail which is basically a metric version.
Both Mil STD and NATO are in essence evolved commercial products. Yet we call it the Pic or Picatinny rail.
The CS/LR17 modular gun family consists of three calibers, 5.56 x 45, 7.62 x 39, 7.62 x 51. These three calibers are currently the mainstream of foreign trade, and these three calibers, in addition to 7.62X39, include four types of guns, namely, combat rifles, assault rifles, precision rifles and class machine guns.
Odd to mention 7.62x39mm twice.
Still would love it if the Chinese would be nice enough to confirm the barrel lengths.
However, there is only a small amount of equipment, so it is unlikely that the CS/LR17 rifle will become the next-generation rifle of our army. It may be just a special task for our special forces.
they already said it wasn't.
The author loves talking in circles.
We can speculate that the standard version of the new generation of assault rifles will replace the existing Type 95 assault rifles
that's kinda the whole point no?.
the short barrels will be equipped with special combat units, and the precision shooter rifles and rifles with long barrels will replace the active Type 88 sniper rifles and Type 95 classes. rifle. In order to comprehensively improve the long-range fire suppression ability of our military units.
QBZ95 has a long barrel in a short package that's the advantage of the Bullpup. The QBZ95 I think was adopted for use by mounted infantry who could stow the weapon easily well in an APC.
Even poke the barrel out a firing port in the side of an APC or IFV for armored Drive by shooting. A useless feature really.
But by going back to the traditional layout you have a long barrel in a long package. The additional length of stock makes it a little harder.
The two main work around are to short on the barrel or fold/shorten the stock.
Shortening the stock is okay but only to a fixed point. As you need some length otherwise what's the point.
Shortening the barrel can also.be done but to a point. The shorter the barrel the less velocity the projectile and below about 13 inches it get loud and projects a big bright flash.
It's also been suggested that the new assault rifle will use a new variant of the 5.8mm bullet including having a new more powerful powder
This might indicate that the PLA is a little more open to a shorter barrel length. Perhaps 13"-16" this should alow a more convenient carbine "assault rifle" around the size of a classic AKM.
The general view at home and abroad that the potential of the modern rifle itself has been excavated, and further improvement of performance requires the installation of various tactical accessories to achieve, so the development trend of the new century rifle is to use standard tactical rails, install various tactical accessories to improve the rifle in various environments.
Not a new trend really the first indications date back to at least the 1960s. Early Occluded eye sights and the Colt scope date to the American involvement in Veitnam.
can Provides a stable and reliable machine top for easy installation of full-size tactical rails, while the new KEY-MOD tactical rails are installed at the same time,
Key-MOD AI Keyhole, HKey are now about 7 years old. They are slots cut into the rail to serve as a rigid mount for accessories they work like the Key hole system you see on some furniture. And that's the problem to. In testing by the US looking at the two M-Lok was found the better system. Keymod suffered issues of point of aim shift from repeated mounting and removal as well as more of a tendency for fracture in impacts.
That hasn't stopped sale of the system or accessories. For civil guns the issues above are not as big a deal as they would be for military weapons.

Deleted member 13257

Don't know what images you were trying there Mr. @Saru but it seem to have been a failure. This is why Hotlinks are a no no. Many sites prevent it.

Almost the Into to this thread word for word.

More like par for the course. Since the XM8 we have seen many rifles with the same basic features. The CZBren2 For example is basically a clone of the Scar. HK's new rifle.

A few have broken from the mold with some unique as features I would class as "Advanced" for example the Barretta ARX160 doesn't just have the features you expect multi barrel, rail system Folding adjustable stock. But takes ambi beyond with a tools free reversible ejection port, and experimental powered rail systems.

Picatinny arsenal in the US is where the name comes from but all they did was standardized a set of rails based on existing products. A.R.M.S co had started doing that already both based on the Weaver rail system. The MIL-STD 1913 rail system. Derived from this is the NATO rail which is basically a metric version.
Both Mil STD and NATO are in essence evolved commercial products. Yet we call it the Pic or Picatinny rail.

Odd to mention 7.62x39mm twice.
Still would love it if the Chinese would be nice enough to confirm the barrel lengths.
they already said it wasn't.
The author loves talking in circles.
that's kinda the whole point no?.

QBZ95 has a long barrel in a short package that's the advantage of the Bullpup. The QBZ95 I think was adopted for use by mounted infantry who could stow the weapon easily well in an APC.
Even poke the barrel out a firing port in the side of an APC or IFV for armored Drive by shooting. A useless feature really.
But by going back to the traditional layout you have a long barrel in a long package. The additional length of stock makes it a little harder.
The two main work around are to short on the barrel or fold/shorten the stock.
Shortening the stock is okay but only to a fixed point. As you need some length otherwise what's the point.
Shortening the barrel can also.be done but to a point. The shorter the barrel the less velocity the projectile and below about 13 inches it get loud and projects a big bright flash.

This might indicate that the PLA is a little more open to a shorter barrel length. Perhaps 13"-16" this should alow a more convenient carbine "assault rifle" around the size of a classic AKM.

Not a new trend really the first indications date back to at least the 1960s. Early Occluded eye sights and the Colt scope date to the American involvement in Veitnam.
Key-MOD AI Keyhole, HKey are now about 7 years old. They are slots cut into the rail to serve as a rigid mount for accessories they work like the Key hole system you see on some furniture. And that's the problem to. In testing by the US looking at the two M-Lok was found the better system. Keymod suffered issues of point of aim shift from repeated mounting and removal as well as more of a tendency for fracture in impacts.
That hasn't stopped sale of the system or accessories. For civil guns the issues above are not as big a deal as they would be for military weapons.

I didn't imply or make an statement I just found some info for the CS/LR17 not to mention why would anyone post images publicly if its a no no?


Tyrant King
not to mention why would anyone post images publicly if its a no no?
However you tried to repost them clearly didn't work. Some sites prevent sharing of images to keep their bandwidth down. More bandwidth costs money.
Others like to claim ownership. I am not sure what you were linking to but they clearly don't like to share.


"the engineer"
I didn't imply or make an statement I just found some info for the CS/LR17 not to mention why would anyone post images publicly if its a no no?
Don't hot link beacuse people can't see them. Read the rules first please.