With the new service rifle having a carbine, infantry, and DMR variant, there is a good chance that it may have a SAW variant at least being considered as well.
However, we also know that a dedicated LMG seemingly in 5.8mm is being developed (note the magazines in pictures 1 and 2)
This new LMG looks like it has a few things beneficial for the LMG role that a SAW variant of the new service rifle probably wouldn't have, namely the ability to be belt and magazine feed, and quick change barrel. It looks like it may also have a folding stock.
Would there be any rationale to develop a 5.8mm SAW variant of the new service rifle considering there seems to be a 5.8mm LMG in development as well?
In terms of differences, I imagine a SAW variant of the new service rifle would be perhaps a longer and heavier barrel, perhaps a different stock, and may be issued with a drum magazine (but also would operate with regular 30 round magazines), and maybe a different handguard too.
A SAW variant of the new service rifle would not be a true LMG as it wouldn't have the ability to change barrels or be belt fed, however I imagine it could be somewhat smaller and a little lighter than the new LMG we see being developed.... However the new LMG itself looks like it's designed to be somewhat lightweight and not too bulky (as opposed to say the M249) -- in fact looking at the new LMG with a 30 round mag in pic 2, its profile looks almost like a longer barrel assault rifle.
Could a SAW variant of the new service rifle complement a new LMG?