ummm actually i am not taking this seriously. you dont sound very calm and rational there and plz respond to the second part of my analysis,which actually has something to do with the discussion. just to prove to you that i know more than you think, your last statement there is refering to Yu ZhengSheng's brother,but that unveiled holes in america's own intelligence system cuz its China department had been led by a Chinese spy for decades lol.
anyways military is measured by how well they do their job. so the fact that China is suddenly gonna get 1000 more type-99G means nothing if they cant get it across the strait to Taiwan in an all-hell-breaks-lose scenario. so if the central government is to assess how PLA is doing they'll measure by whether or not the PLA can take Taiwan in a given scenario, or the south China sea. that's what we are concerned with here. i have no hard data on the transportation capability of the PLA right now but i think that is one of the things we should really be concerned with,no use if you cant move your really advanced weapons. "soft power" like for example PLA's level of dscipline, no use if you go somewhere and just start raping their women, eventually you'll lose the place.