what does a "light informationalized" army mean? less and/or lighter tanks/armored vehicles? wont this put them into a disadvantage compared to its neigbours?The PLA is currently transitioning from a heavy mechanized army to a light informationalized one and this brings a rising demand for military ground vehicles like the latest tanks and armored vehicles.
In the future, the regular 5X5 tanks that we are familiar with will be replaced by wheeled armored vehicles that are lighter, have better mobility and stronger combat performance
Yes, Russia has tons of late Soviet gear, yes its resources are limited, yes there are a lot of "updated late Soviet" programs around.
Yet Russia is still the #1 nation pushing combat vehicles forward.
First Who could really fight the PLA in the PRC? To the west (India) is high mountain country where heavy armor fails by being to heavy for roads and to rbbed of power by thin air. To the south is marshland and jungle where heavy armor suffers from bogging down and getting stuck in trees and mud with poor roads. to the east is the pacific where heavy armor sinks. about the only good tank land is the Gobi, and parts of the north land( Mongolia). but they run into the frozen marsh of (Russia) Siberia. Heavy armor is good if you have a good flat plains and open space to maneuver. Heavy armored units are fine if you intend to fight at home or at fixed locations. The Problem for the PLA, Where it seems to want to apply power is the Pacific. And heavy armored Divisions are hard to move across oceans.what does a "light informationalized" army mean? less and/or lighter tanks/armored vehicles? wont this put them into a disadvantage compared to its neigbours?The PLA is currently transitioning from a heavy mechanized army to a light informationalized one and this brings a rising demand for military ground vehicles like the latest tanks and armored vehicles.
In the future, the regular 5X5 tanks that we are familiar with will be replaced by wheeled armored vehicles that are lighter, have better mobility and stronger combat performance
That depends on where you are fighting and what you are doing. Urban terrain is the most expanding environment type on the planet followed by Desertification Cities are the Future warCan anyone explain why wheeled armored vehicles have better combat performance than tracked armored vehicles?
zones. Tracks suffer in cities and Cities suffer from tracks. Tracks cause issues as the Track was designed to allow better off road performance in cities it almost always on road. Roads get chewed up by tracks and Tracks can be thrown on some road surfaces. if that happens the crew has to repair the track, an action demanding all of the tank crew and not something you want to do well under ambush in a city street.
by Contrast armored Wheeled vehicles have a redundancy a 8x8 armored vehicle like a Stryker can still manouver if it has been reduced to a 4x4. Wheeled vehciles are easier and faster on roads.
Dated information. When compared to modern tracked IFV's many modern Tracked and Wheeled armored vehicles are in fact the same weight with the same armor levels with the same weapons load outs. They can also carry the same number of troops if not more.they don't carry as much weight, meaning that they are underarmed and underarmoured compared to tracked vehicles
Wheeled stand higher off the ground, which can work as both a plus and minus. A plus as in a IED event the Wheeled vehicle has some stand off space to allow more of the Blast energy to be channeled away from the hull. As a minus though it means a easier to see and target profile.
New hand grenades.
Nice but too cute and sanitized. Too tempting to just pull the plug. Hope no one gets hurt by accident.
Look very good, what type is that?