PLA Ground Forces news, pics and videos


This is the control station for the externally mounted grenade dispensers.

The left panel is for smoke grenades (eight total, four in each bank). Press the red button to launch. The gray rotary dial is for selecting individual pairs of grenades for launch, or launch all four in either bank simultaneously. There's also an option to launch all eight in one go.

The right panel is for shrapnel grenades (four total, with two in each bank). Red button for launch. Gray rotary dial for selecting which one of the four for launch. It appears shrapnel grenades can only be launched singly.

Both panels have numbered indicator lights to inform the operator whether a particular tube is loaded for launch.


A schematic diagram of the externally mounted grenade dispensers. The launchers are connected to laser warning receivers and an information processing unit. The system can assess threat level and launch smoke grenades automatically without operator intervention. Of course, this is also a manual launch mode.



Lieutenant General
It's because these guys are wearing incredibly light gear. They have no plates, breaching equipment, comms, NVG's, and other necessary equipment. Their loadout is similar to or lighter than that of an American patrol officer with a rifle who is serving a dangerous warrant. In addition, these guys shouldn't be compared to SOF in general since their tasks are completely different.

It’s actually a neat trick. First guy pops out to take a shot to draw the enemy’s aim, second guy pops out and is obscured by the enemy’s own guns as they would be ADS at where the first guy was.