PLA camoflauge


Junior Member
for some reason their bag blend in better. Probably this is the marines landing and ran into forest.


The Punisher
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but it blends in with the sea, you cant really design a camo that would blend in everything. how big is the beach? it'll be pretty obvious even if someone's wearing yellow/white camo. so might as well make it the sea colour.
the uniform changes often, based on the designs of other countries.

How does other countries unifroms affect PLA uniforms? Do you mean that the PLA copies the camo of other nations? So every time another nation makes a new uniform, the PLA scrap their old ones and copy the new one of the other country?

I dunno how they're going to blend in in a urban environment

I dont think any cammo could be used in an urban environment. Even black, gray, and white wouldn't work, since there are so many different colors in cities.


"the engineer"
there's this dark grey, light grey, white, black camo for urban i think, it was in the 99 parade, wore by the army or para guys can't remember.


Junior Member
Whats the point of blending in with the sea, as a marine you will probably spend most of your time on the beach and the forests around it.


Junior Member
y would u need a cammo 2 belnd in wif da sea....its not like china is gonna invade taiwan by swimming across the strait :D ....but anyways...not my point....there gonna do most of their fighting on land....sooo i say best is just hav jungle and desert cammo


Banned Idiot
taiwan dosn't have jungles or deserts. it does have fields and cities, and the marine uniform will do fine. its actually pretty efective in the city. its not like there arn't army troops helping them.