1) Having a bigger bomber means you'll have relatively more bomber pilots available per mission load delivered. You were talking about pilots being cheaper than bombers so I interpreted that to mean youre advocating for cheaper H6's at the cost of pilot survivability.
2) You might not have the range for cruise missiles to make independent maneuvers if your target was Japan, SEA/SCS targets, or a fleet at sea. Furthermore we dont even known if cruise missiles such as the CJ are capable of independently navigating a loop around to TW eastern coast and turning back to hit eastern coast targets.
My point is that PLAN needs a b1/tu160 equivalent to go with its stealthy H20
This entire discussion about developing a new B-1/Tu-160 bomber to replace H-6s and to supplement H-20s is crippled by one simple underlying problem -- opportunity cost.
I think everyone should first take a step back at why the PLA went for developing successive new variants of H-6s rather than developing a brand new heavy bomber like B-1 or Tu-160.
The reason is because developing an entire brand new large aircraft of that class takes time, resources, money, and expertise.
Obviously it goes without saying that a B-1 or Tu-160 is superior to an H-6K/J/N.
But for the PLA, going into the 2000s and going into the 2010s and now going into the 2020s, when we look at how much time, resources, money and expertise the PLA had to throw around in terms of their various major aviation projects, is developing a heavy, non-stealthy, clean sheet new design bomber, really that wise of an investment when they have so many other ongoing projects either in development or projects that they are actively seeking to ramp up development for?
People have mentioned how the H-6K is too small or not sufficiently survivable for the future aerial warfare scenario -- but does anyone really think a new PLA equivalent to B-1 or Tu-160 would be much more survivable in less than a decade's time? Is the level of capability and survivability offered by a brand new non-stealthy heavy bomber design really worth it given how many other major projects the PLA has cooking?
On the other hand, when we look at the H-6K/J/N, its costs are all likely to be far lower, while offering an interim regional capability.
Obviously it isn't a heavy bomber nor does it offer supersonic dash capability like B-1 or Tu-160, but it offers a capable regional strike capability and the ability to carry relatively oversize loads that the PLA's other combat aircraft cannot.
More importantly -- it can do all of the above with likely relatively low cost, low risk, with relatively low consumption of expertise and aerospace industry resources to allow them to work on other projects that are likely far more important to the PLA, such as J-20, Y-20, J-XY, and most relevant for bomber force development; H-20.
So does PLA "need" a B-1 or Tu-160 equivalent?
That's the wrong question to ask.
IMO the question should be "is the opportunity cost of developing a B-1 or Tu-160 logical?"