PLA Anti-Air Missile (SAM) systems


More information on the FK-3000 air defense system. It's designed for point defense against helicopters, precision guided munitions, UAVs, drone swarms, etc. It has two components: the larger manned vehicle and up to two companion unmanned vehicles. The manned vehicle carries missiles to intercept guided munitions, aircraft, and drone swarms. It also carries a single 30mm AA gun and drone jammers. For added firepower against drone swarms, two companion unmanned vehicle can be added, with each carrying additional missiles. Going by the images, the larger FK-3000/L missile is for intercepting helicopters and large UAVs, and the smaller FK-3000/S is for intercepting guided munitions, small UAVs, and drone swarms.




Registered Member
With increasing numbers of drones and simple GPS guided artillery/missiles it is possible we'll see a new type of SAM to specially counter these types of threats?

Maybe something with ~30km range but with less advanced sensors and less manoeuvrability that can be cheaply deployed in large numbers.

It's not exactly cost effective to lob a HQ-9 at every drone, nor is it very good for ground troops psychologically if they have to wait for the enemy to get into SRSAM range
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