Here my researches from published photos:
HQ-17 Heavy/Medium/Amphibious/Light Combined Brigades (H/M/A/LCB), Army Group (AG):
2HCB 71AG; 6HCB?? 81AG; 7HCB 81AG; 10HCB 72AG; 12HCB 76AG; 16HCB 74AG; 54HCB Tibet MR; 68HCB 78AG; 112HCB 82AG; 116HCB 79AG; 123HCB 75AG; 139HCB 77AG; 151HCB 82AG; 194HCB 81AG; 195HCB 81AG;
ACB: 1 74AG, 91 73AG, 124 72AG, 125 74AG
HQ-17A: 204HCB 78AG?; 115MCB 7871AG; 178MCB AG; 42LCB 75AG; 53LCB Tibet MR;
Thanks for that list! I went through the ORBAT threads over at CDF and indeed found images of HQ17 in most of the units you mention.
I even stumbled on this image under the 31st brigade of the 75th GA, which your list lacks and which may mean that even more units have HQ-17s.
Anyway, does all this mean that PLA's goal is to have a battery of HQ17 in every combat brigade?
I do somewhat hazily recollect that divisions, some years back when brigades weren't formed yet, had organic HQ7 units.
Since there's quite a few brigades left unmentioned in your list, those leftover brigades may then still feature HQ7s, while waiting to be replaced with HQ17s? Would that be a fair guess? Since the AD brigades at the theater level command still use HQ7s, it's not so wild to assume that even the lower tier units might still be using them?
and a completely unrelated question: do you guys see this threat listed when you click on the army sub forum? Because I don't. The only way to access this thread for me is via links in other places - like the alerts section if someone quoted me and the main page (in case the last discussion was in this anti air missile thread)