Q: 不知这种靶机是不是也要模仿摆脱机动?
对,也要模拟机动轨迹。。。。。模拟飞行特性(比如超音速巡航 长空20可以长时间超音速巡航) 雷达反射面特性 如此这些。。。。
1)小RCS目标特性,前向±30°雷达反射面小于0.01 m2。
2)大机动飞行特征,要求水平过载8g持续40 s,或10g过载持续10 s。
3)高空高速飞行,要求飞行高度大于18000 m,速度M1.2~M2。
Q: Do these drones also simulate the agility and evasive manoeuvres undertaken by a real aircraft?
Yes, they simulate both the agility and flight regime, e.g. CK-20 simulating prolonged supercruise. A drone designed to simulate 5th-gen aircraft is required to possess the following characteristics:
- Low RCS. Frontal 60 deg cone RCS is smaller than 0.01 metres squared
- Supermanoeuvrability. Able to sustain 8g for 40 seconds, or 10g for 10 seconds
- High altitude high speed flight envelope. Flight altitude higher than 18000m and speed between Mach 1.2 - 2
Q: 通过这几幅图来看,tg现在造个b2也是完全不是问题啊。
A: 大概十多年前就开始进行飞翼构型的研究了。。。。。大飞翼四发动机
Q: From the look of CH-805, it seems our country has no problem developing a B-2 type bomber.
A: Research into flying wing configuration began over a decade ago. Our large 4-engine bomber and a certain UCAV both use the flying wing configuration.
Q: 这几个靶机都是同一家企业生产的吧
Q: Do these drones all come from a single manufacturer?
A: No.
Q: 以前模拟的是?
A: 以前主要就是模拟二代机 。。。第二个是中航洪都公司研制的高机动靶机,该机基于L-15高教机平台研制而成,主要模拟三代战机的实体打靶测试任务
Q: What about older drones?
A: Older drones simulate 3rd and 4th-gen fighters. The second picture is a highly manoeuvrable drone developed by Hongdu upon the L-15 platform, used to simulate 4th-gen fighters.
Q: 是不是说,现在我们国家能搞得出来类似B2这样的飞机?
A: 主要还在于发动机,其他的没有技术问题。而且正在搞。。。。。多等几年
Q: So our country should be able to produce a B-2 right now?
A: The focus is still on the engines, all other technological requirements have been satisfied, but we are working on such a project. Just wait a few years.