PLA Air Force news, pics and videos


Deleted member 13312

Finally door gunner.


Probably a Z-9 looking at the seating
Is it not a Mi-171E ? Because there is another picture with the same door gunner set up and there is also 2 folded up chairs next to the door as well.
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And as a side note : Gosh do I want to see a Hua Qing minigun on one of those choppers one day.

Deleted member 13312

You are correct, would 7.62 minigun better than 12.7 with explosive ammunition?
A personal preference from having watch too much Black Hawk Down type of movies.:p But in a more serious thought, in suppression operations a minigun would be more effective then a single barrel MG due to the amount of lead it can throw down per second.
The smaller caliber might be a problem, but the US got around this by introducing a monstrous .50 cal gatling, the GAU-19.


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on a number of things, including drones used to simulate stealth aircraft and FC-31's RCS. Someone else can translate.
So the main article is a just a bunch of typical Chinese sweet nothing official style of words describing J-20,J-16,J-10C joint mission and J-20 shooting targets hitting 8 for 8.

someone (S) in the comments asked a question,
S: what was the level(proficiency) of our target drones in the past?
Pb: (talking about present target drones) Simulating F22 and B2.




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on a number of things, including drones used to simulate stealth aircraft and FC-31's RCS. Someone else can translate.


Q: 靶机模拟的是什么水平?


第一个是彩虹805隐身靶机,模拟B2 ,具有全向隐身性能。最大飞行速度750公里每小时

第三个是长空20隐身靶机,模拟F22 ,最大飞行速度1.8马赫。使用升限18000.。。具有超音速巡航能力。个头比鹘鹰稍小,主要用于测试对空武器。雷达反射面最低为0.001

Q: What do the drones simulate?

B-2 and F-22.

The first and second picture shows the CH-805. It possess all-aspect radar stealth and has a top speed of 750km/h.

The third picture shows the CK-20, simulating the F-22. Its top speed is Mach 1.8, max ceiling 18000m, and possesses supercruise capability. The overall size is smaller than the FC-31. Its main utility is to test surface to air weapons. Its RCS has a minimum of 0.001 metres squared.


Q: 大神的意思是FC31雷达反射面积是0.002

A: 鹘鹰设计指标差,不多是这个量级。

Q: The implication is that the FC-31 has an RCS of 0.002 (in reference to CK-20 being smaller than FC-31 and has RCS of 0.001)?

A: FC-31 design standards were relatively low, it's unlikely its RCS achieves that level. The referred 0.001 RCS is just the minimum from controlled tests. Practical frontal RCS is around 0.01 to 0.05 metres squared.



Q: 不知这种靶机是不是也要模仿摆脱机动?

对,也要模拟机动轨迹。。。。。模拟飞行特性(比如超音速巡航 长空20可以长时间超音速巡航) 雷达反射面特性 如此这些。。。。


1)小RCS目标特性,前向±30°雷达反射面小于0.01 m2。

2)大机动飞行特征,要求水平过载8g持续40 s,或10g过载持续10 s。

3)高空高速飞行,要求飞行高度大于18000 m,速度M1.2~M2。


Q: Do these drones also simulate the agility and evasive manoeuvres undertaken by a real aircraft?

Yes, they simulate both the agility and flight regime, e.g. CK-20 simulating prolonged supercruise. A drone designed to simulate 5th-gen aircraft is required to possess the following characteristics:
  1. Low RCS. Frontal 60 deg cone RCS is smaller than 0.01 metres squared
  2. Supermanoeuvrability. Able to sustain 8g for 40 seconds, or 10g for 10 seconds
  3. High altitude high speed flight envelope. Flight altitude higher than 18000m and speed between Mach 1.2 - 2

Q: 通过这几幅图来看,tg现在造个b2也是完全不是问题啊。

A: 大概十多年前就开始进行飞翼构型的研究了。。。。。大飞翼四发动机

Q: From the look of CH-805, it seems our country has no problem developing a B-2 type bomber.

A: Research into flying wing configuration began over a decade ago. Our large 4-engine bomber and a certain UCAV both use the flying wing configuration.

Q: 这几个靶机都是同一家企业生产的吧


Q: Do these drones all come from a single manufacturer?

A: No.

Q: 以前模拟的是?

A: 以前主要就是模拟二代机 。。。第二个是中航洪都公司研制的高机动靶机,该机基于L-15高教机平台研制而成,主要模拟三代战机的实体打靶测试任务

Q: What about older drones?

A: Older drones simulate 3rd and 4th-gen fighters. The second picture is a highly manoeuvrable drone developed by Hongdu upon the L-15 platform, used to simulate 4th-gen fighters.



Q: 是不是说,现在我们国家能搞得出来类似B2这样的飞机?

A: 主要还在于发动机,其他的没有技术问题。而且正在搞。。。。。多等几年

Q: So our country should be able to produce a B-2 right now?

A: The focus is still on the engines, all other technological requirements have been satisfied, but we are working on such a project. Just wait a few years.



Q: 8g40s,10g/10秒,这个指标的靶机能打下,实机很难逃了。

A: PL10定型测试就要求打此类靶机能达到XX%以上命中率。。。。。

Q: 8g for 40s, 10g for 10s. If the weapons are able to down drones with this level of performance then the simulated aircraft are basically screwed if they found themselves as the real targets.

A: PL-10 certification (probably design certification) required successful interception of drones with this level of performance at a rate of or above XX%.

Q: 现在太行改是否顺利呢?就是不到14吨的那款。。。

A: 研制上算顺利,使用上需要更多累积,也就是需要更多测试时间。。。。。
你说的是舰载的还是哪的? 舰载版只有12.8和14.1这两种。

Q: How's the WS-10 evolved doing? The one with thrust slightly below 14t.

A: R&D is smooth but we need more operational experience, i.e. more testing. Precisely which variant are you asking about, btw? The naval one or something else? There are two naval WS-10s, a 12.8t and a 14.1t variant.


Registered Member
To simulate the extreme low RCS and compensate for expected poorer worksmanship on the drones' surfaces, I'd be interested to know what dimensions the real drones have. Or are the photos of the fifth gen simulators 1:1? Impressive effort to go to just to practice various counter stealth situations. Wonder what engines they're using to push the "raptor" to supercruise speeds. If this stuff is available information now (and assuming it is real), effective means of countering stealth may have been available for a while? Otherwise we probably wouldn't see so much confidence placed with the current S2A and A2A systems. Of course targeting range and P(hit) is lower than otherwise.

He mentions FC-31 practical RCS being far from the already loose design objectives. Seeing as the program is still in prototyping and testing phase, we should see an improvement with the final product if ordered by one of the PLA branches. But 0.01 to 0.05 m^2 still presents an immense advantage in observation and targeting range.