PLA Air Force news, pics and videos


Junior Member
Registered Member
Personally I wouldn't trust these pilots to give any trustworthy intelligence and will probably say anything that is plausible to remain hired. Not to mention using them represents an opsec risk though it can be mitigated with stringent background checks.


New Member
Registered Member
Personally I wouldn't trust these pilots to give any trustworthy intelligence and will probably say anything that is plausible to remain hired. Not to mention using them represents an opsec risk though it can be mitigated with stringent background checks.
That's prob why they hire a lot of them. Limit interaction between pilots and compare what they say. They can't lie about every single thing, most is prob legal


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
This sounds like a whole load of BS. It is way more likely that China got these pilots, if they did get them, to improve their own knowledge of doctrine and improve their own doctrine. The fact is there is close to zero likelihood of China facing either the Eurofighter or the Tornado themselves. But the knowledge of tactics of those aircraft might be applicable to J-10 or JH-7 fighters.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm highly skeptical of these claims, the Anglos have an obnoxious tendency of making very loud, pre-emptive accusations of treason, foreign interference and espionage, usually to their own citizens of Chinese descent or the thin air. And then most of these accusation fade into obscurity because there's isn't any actual evidence. Obviously, everyone remembers the loud obnoxious accusation but not the fact that most of them don't amount to anything.

The CIA/Feds was accusing a bunch of American Chinese researchers for espionage, but most couldn't get any charge to stick, they even publicly admitted it's a public display to intimidate people to not even dare think of such a thing.


Junior Member
Registered Member
do these pilots go back to their countries after the end of their contract? I wonder what systems are in place to protect against counterintelligence