The whole hardened shelter thing doesn't make much sense if it can't defeat at least one of three weapon types:
SDB (which is usually credited with penetrating 1 meter of reinforced concrete under 1 meter of soil/earth)
Tomahawk CM
Did not find any penetration data for those missiles but there was a Raytheon text from 2008 - they tested a tandem warhead (Tomahawk block V will use a tandem warhead) with a precursor portion of warhead being 24 inches in diameter. And the precursor burned through 19.5 feet of reinforced concrete with compression strength of 12600 lb/in2, which is a lot.
Probably similar tech is used in tomahawk warhead, though that warhead is smaller, at 18 inches in diameter. block V remanufacture will commence shortly but it may be a few years until entire tomahawk arsenal is remanufactured.
JASSM warheads, however, are of similar dimension and they already possess a similar tech pentrating warhead.
So JASSM today may already be able to penetrate 3-5 meters of reinforced concrete, and tomahawks may be expected to perform similarly within several years from today.