My information on the Takanami class (高波級) is mostly based on internet sources, so take them for their worth.
The displacement of the ship is 4,600 ton standard and 5,300 ton full load. Length 151m, Width 17.4m, Depth 10.9m, Draft 5.3m. 170 crew standard.
Propulsion is by 2 x SM1C gas turbines (27,000 shp) and 2 x LM2500 gas turnbines (33,000 shp) for combined total max output of 60,000 shp, with published 30 knots max speed.
The ship is equipped with OPS-24 2-D air search radar, and 2 FCS-3 fire control radars. The OPS-24 is built by Melco (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) and is considered one of the world's first naval AESA radar. The FCS-3 is built by Melco/Thales, some call it "mini phased array". Internet sources claims that the each of the FCS-3 system can control up to 16 Sea Sparrow SAMs at a time, and the whole system (2 x FCS-3) can engage up to 10 targets simultaneously.
For ASW, the ship is equipped with OQS-5 bow-mounted sonar, OQR-2 TASS, SLQ-25 towed decoy, 2 x triple Type 68 torpedo tubes, VL-ASROC, and SH-60J ASW Helo. The helicopter/aft deck is extended length to accommodate the various towed equipment.
The ship has an elevated deck in the front for its 32-cel Mk.41 VLS system. Initially, they were deployed with 16 x Sea Sparrow and 16 x ASROC. After ESSM integration, 8 of the Sea Sparrow cels will be used to equip 32 x ESSM, and the other 8 will be avail for other missiles. There were rumors of VL-launched SSM-1 but I think it's fake. When deployed in a battle group, VLS cels can be loaded with SM-2, guided by nearby Aegis AAW warship (Kongo?) via cooperative engagement.
Other equipment includes the 5" gun, 2 x Phalanx CIWS, NOLQ-3 EW jammer, SRBOC decoy launcher, 8 x AShM, etc.
While the Takanami is a fairly powerful ASW DD, the 054A is just a GP (general purpose) Frigate by today's standards. I'm sure most of us are already familiar with various unconfirmed 054A specs, if not you can read them here:
Because so much of the info on 054A is speculated, it's difficult to do a direct comparison. But from basic hardware perspective, the Japanese DD is bigger and better with more powerful engines & radar, though certainly at much higher price tag.
At this point we don't even know what kind of missiles are in the 054A's VLS, but I'm pretty sure that the PLAN's 1st generation VLS system wouldn't have quad-pack capability. So the Japanese ship's Mk.41 is more efficient and has wider selection of arms.
The torpedoes equipped on both ships are probably similar. I think the Japanese Type 68 is basically the Mk.46 torpedo?