Personal Firearms


Heheh...w've cut back to the following:

Hunting Rifle:
Savage tactical .308 with Leupold 3-12x40mm scope

Varmint Rifle:
FAL .308, 20 round mags

Ranch Rifle:
Rueger Mini-14, .223, 20 & 30 round mags

Saddle Gun:
Marlin .44 lever action

Winchester 12ga, Magnum, pump action
Remington 16ga, single shot
Remington 410 shotgun, single shot

S&W, .44 magnum, revolver
S&W, .38, revolver
Rueger 9mm semi-automatic

I'd like to get that Rueger PC9 9mm carbine to go with my Rueger 9mm handgun.

We have a good time when we go shooting in the hills.

The Ruger mini 14 is a good weapon just like it's big brother the M-14. I know a lot of spec ops guys are still using the M-14 tactical.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The Ruger mini 14 is a good weapon just like it's big brother the M-14. I know a lot of spec ops guys are still using the M-14 tactical.
Barrel is light though, and if you cook off a mag too fast it heats up enough to impact accuracy. A tactical barrel is available and maybe one day I will actually get one.

The FAL is my favorite. Range and stopping power...and fire rate.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: Do you have your own firearms or like any particular small arm??!

My ex-wife was hospitalize because of the gambling problem in a Psych ward and she admitted to the psych that she wanted to kill me...She denied it but they had her on tape.. I sold the gun and divorced her pretty ass.

I was admiring your Python and Auto Mag, wondering what got into you, but now I see, the Honey Badger don't need no weapon, cause the Honey Badger don't care!