Congratulations to China for a hugely successful space mission.
Though the Chinese manned spaced program is proceeding more slowly than the primodial programs of the US and the USSR back in 1960's, it is accomplishing much more with each flight. Back then, the crash space program of the US and USSR led to several catastrophic launchpad failures and only proved the need to take things slow and in stages.
China has found its stride, and each successive launch will show a significant advance on the previous.
China's first manned spaceship (the ShenZhou 5, Oct 15th, 2003, flown for 21hours 23 min for 21 orbits) has room for three passengers. The Soviets's first manned spaceship (the Vostok, flown april 12, 1961 for 1 hour 48 min single orbital flight) only had room for one. The American's first manned spaceship (the Mercury, flown May 5, 1961 for a 15 min suborbital flight) only had room for one.
Furthermore, the Mercury was a phonebooth of a space capsule, shoehorned to fit on top of America's first ICBM, the Atlas I. This was part of America's 'Get a Man into Space Soonest' program that sought to save time be eliminating the need o develop a new carrier rocket. The Mercury was one-third the size of the Vostok. The Vostok was slightly over half the size of ShenZhou. The Mercury could only support a 24 hour flight. The Votok a ten day flight. The ShenZhou a twenty day flight.
The Shenzhou performs orbital maneuvers, which neither the Soviet Vostok nor the American Mercury could do.
I know there will be complaints about comparing China's current space program with the 1961 space programs of US and USSR. But this is China's first manned space flights, as 1961 represented the first manned space flights of America and the Soviet Union. What else can it be compared to?
Compared to ShenZhou5, the ShenZhou 6 mission had two passengers. They performed orbital maneuvers, ventured into the service module, and conducted experiments. They spent 115 hours and 32 min in flight.
ShenZhou 7 is expected to fly in 2007. The Chinese will attempt orbital docking and tethered spacewalk maneuvers. This will represent the extant of the abilities of America's Gemini space program (the precursor to the Apollo lunar program) as well as the Soviet's Soyuz space program (precursor to the Salyut space station program).
What this means is, after ShenZhou 7, the Chinese will be ready to either build a space station or send men to the moon. ...Or both.
Militarily, it also means China can construct weapon platforms in space. This could be for ASAT or missile defense projects.