Just a thought-
Can the Chinese claim that the low-frequency sonar array was interfering with the marine life (whales, etc) in their EEZ? Since It states:
You can say a P-3 overflying a Russian carrier is endangering the ship because there exists a chance through either pilot error or technical malfunction for the P-3 to crash into the Russian carrier. The Chinese ships involved are not corvettes but small patrol boats about the size of a tugboat.
With the whale thing, I think it would be a stretch. The courts in the U.S. and elsewhere have trended in the opposite direction on stuff like that. Chinese law would have to allow for the use of sonar in the EEZ for its ships to be able to do so, provided this was covered by the environmental impact clause. It'd be interesting to see what Chinese law says on this matter.
A PLAN ship was involved in the incident, as was a government ship that was non-military, besides the civilian ships. In an earlier incident, the Chinese perpetrator was a warship. But either way, it still doesn't matter, as the Chinese vessels, civilian and military, were actively creating navigational hazards which could cause damage to the ship or its crew. Such actions are quite illegal, for obvious reasons. A P-3 simply flying, on the other hand, is not analogous; a P-3 creating hazards for others through its actions, like trying to get in the path of other aircraft, would be more analogous to this situation.