This morning I saw an article on RT talking about how all the digital cryptocurrencies in existence today if added up amount to about 2 trillion dollars market cap.
While blockchain is indeed a novel technology, bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies are all at their core nothing more than distributed peer to peer digital general ledgers. They are nothing more than merely glorified bookkeeping entries in the digital age, where the verification of transactions is distributed and stored amongst nodes (multiple independent CPU/process/computers) and the communication/transfer of that money is done by leveraging the Internet for transport of information.
The invention of bitcoin and all other digital cryptocurrencies does absolutely nothing to increase the energy/resources on earth, and the digital "mining" of more of these new cryptocurrency coins does not produce nor unlock any additional energy/resources for our use. Unlike mining for coal or mining for uranium in which we expend real energy in order to get a positive return on that energy (when we use coal to power electricity plants or uranium/etc to power nuclear plants etc) the mining of bitcoin also expends real energy (worldwide more than the energy consumed by some small nations in fact) but whilst producing absolutely ZERO energy in return!
In fact bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are pure net energy sinks in that they consume lots of real energy (in fact the hash difficulty increases exponentially!) without producing any useable energy in return! Even the ethanol scam of basically converting oil to corn and then reconverting that corn back to fuel produces some energy in return although it is a net energy sink, but bitcoin is a pure scam in the sense that it uses up lots of real energy and produces absolutely zero energy /resources in return!
In fact all bitcoin serves to do is dilute the supply of all the already existing total monies already in circulation and thus thereby devaluing the purchasing power of all other currencies...
In this regard bitcoin is exactly like the Tulip mania of the 1600's in which at the peak a single tulip (or rather even a tulip future/contract) could fetch an entire house! Obviously the tulip didn't make society wealthier, it was just a speculation/hype instrument used in the pyramid scheme and that is what we are doing right now with bitcoin... Bitcoin will never make society wealthier and all it ever does is a reallocation/transfer of wealth from future suckers aka bag holders to those who got in earlier than them, a classic multilevel pyramid scheme...
But bitcoin also serves to mask the symptoms of the infinite printing of fiat currency and it is meant to forestall the impeding implosion of the US dollar... as more and more suckers become digital millionaires or even cryptobillionaries via the rise of bitcoin and other alt coins, like all pyramid schemes it encourages the latecomers, the average everyday joe six packs to forego spending their dollars and "invest" them into bitcoin, having the net effect in society of discouraging real consumption and encouraging holding phantom wealth that will disappear once the elites have converted all their dollars into other real assets like gold, silver, land, buying up other real commodities and real assets while the average joe is "HOLDDING" a bunch of worthless digital coins that can be bubble popped at moment’s notice by something as simple as NSA releasing a long held zero-day or secret vulnerability in the blockchain security cipher...
Gold was created in the belly of a dying star during its supernova.... we cannot create gold. (we can in very tiny amounts using particle accelerators but that’s like saying sending trash into space is a way to solve the landfill problem here on earth) however those that say bitcoin is capped at 21 million total bitcoins and thus this is what defines its "value" do not realize that bitcoin has NO intrinsic value whatsoever as a digital distributed bookkeeping entry and that in fact right now its speculative value is only propped up by the "social networking effect" and in reality there is no limit to the infinite number of other alt coins that can be created based on the same underlining blockchain protocol....
Bitcoin is just the newest kid on the block and I believe its purpose is to be a absorber of excess USD and to create a culture of "investing" into this intrinsically worthless scheme in order to mask the USD QE infinity problem of hyperinflation and to suck up the excess dollars whereby creating the sort of lock-in effect of artificially encouraging the common everyday sheeple to voluntarily and unwittingly forego purchasing/consumption of real goods/products and thus hiding the peak oil / supply chain problems by via global "demand destruction" as the bitcoin ponzi grows ever more exponentially larger...
Rich people "invest" most of their money and only consume a tiny fraction of their income as the 99.99% of it is disposable money they will never spend/convert to actual resources... the problem is but as we slide down the slope of Olduvia Gorge and fall off the EROEI energy cliff it will also require and also take the masses to also reduce their real consumption in order to adjust to this new world order of scarcity for all... and what better way to have vaccine passports and COVID shutdown as the reset/circuit breakers in a post-PeakOil world, after all when push comes to shove would you rather use oil to grow food or use oil for overseas trips and cruise vacations? The elites of the world cannot just openly admit to this new reality so they have to take advantage of the 'crisis' in order to reshape the postPeakOil world and I believe bitcoin is another fabrication for the purpose of cleverly getting the masses/sheeple to willingly defer consumption and to "invest" in this new scheme thereby masking (for now) the collapse in real standards of living and the reduction in worldwide CONsumption...