Pakistan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Does Anybody has an idea why Pakistan has moved two F-16 (19th and 11th) squadron from Central Air Command to South. Is there a threat perception of India in the southern sector. I am asking this as now only one F-16 Squad (9th) and three Mirage squadrons are left in Central command. Of course the CCS Fighter jets are there but i am not sure if they will fight as one unit for CAC or will be allocated to Aircraft type's respective squadrons.

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Making room for Block-lll Thunders :cool:


Pakistan conducts successful test of Submarine Launched Babur Cruise Missile....

Rawalpindi, 29 March, 2018....

Pakistan conducted another successful test fire of indigenously developed Submarine Launched Cruise Missile Babur having a range of 450 kms. The Missile was fired from an underwater dynamic platform, which successfully engaged its target with precise accuracy; meeting all the flight parameters.

SLCM Babur is capable of delivering various types of payloads and incorporates state of the art technologies including underwater controlled propulsion, advanced guidance and navigation features. SLCM Babur provides Pakistan Credible Second Strike Capability, augmenting the existing deterrence regime.

Development of this capability also reflects Pakistan’s response to provocative nuclear strategies and posture being pursued in the neighborhood through induction of nuclear submarines and ship-borne nuclear missiles; leading to nuclearization of Indian Ocean Region.

Pakistan eyes this landmark development as a step towards reinforcing the policy of Credible Minimum Deterrence through indigenization and self-reliance.

The test was witnessed by DG Strategic Plans Division (SPD), Chairman NESCOM , Commander Naval Strategic Force Command (NSFC), senior officials, scientists and engineers from Strategic Scientific Organizations.

The Chairman JCSC and Services Chiefs have congratulated the scientists, engineers and NSFC personnel for successful achievement of this highly significant milestone.

The President and Prime Minister of Pakistan have also conveyed their facilitation to the scientists, engineers and NSFC personnel involved in the effort.

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PN & PMSA Ships arrived at Port Jubail, KSA to participate in Joint Tri-Services Exercise Gulf Shield-1....

Pakistan Navy Ships TIPPU SULTAN, HIMMAT and Pakistan Maritime Security Ship BASOL headed by Mission Commander Commodore Muhammad Faisal Abbasi , Commander 25th Destroyer Squadron (COMDESRON-25) arrived at Port Jubail, KSA to participate in Joint Tri-Services Exercise Gulf Shield-1 being organized by Royal Saudi Armed Forces (RSAF). Upon arrival, Pakistan Navy Ships were warmly received by RSNF officers and ratings.

Apart from Ships, elements from PN Special Services Group and Pak Marines are also participating in Exercise Gulf Shield-1 as part of the land contingent of all three Services of Pakistan Armed Forces. Moreover, a Pakistan Navy Long Range Maritime Patrol (LRMP) P3C aircraft will also participate in the exercises at sea.

Naval Component of Exercise Gulf Shield-1 is hosted by Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RNSF) and will be conducted in Saudi waters in the Gulf. Various activities involving Joint Operational Planning, Training/ Demonstrations, Seminars on professional topics and Cultural/ Social events will be conducted in Harbour phase of Exercise to mutually benefit and generate goodwill among participants.

Moreover, Irregular Warfare, Coastal Defense, Combat Search & Rescue, Naval Warfare Exercises and extensive flying operations will be conducted during sea phase of the Exercise. Observers from various participating countries will be boarded PN Ships during sea phase. In addition to PN, warships from Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, UAE & USA will also participate in the Exercise.

Pakistan is the leading contributor in the Exercise, both in personnel and assets, which is reflective of strong bilateral defense relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The Exercise is likely to further strengthen the existing bonds of defense collaboration between participant nations and demonstrate their resolve for ensuring maritime security in the region.






TCG GELIBOLU, a Turkish Navy Oliver Hazard Perry Class Ship arrived Karachi on a four days goodwill visit.

Ship was escorted into harbour by Pakistan Navy Ship ASLAT and was received with a warm welcome during an impressive reception at Pakistan Navy Dockyard. Upon arrival, traditional tunes were played by Pakistan Navy band and waving of Pakistan-Turkey Flags. The ship was received by senior officers of Pakistan Navy and Turkish diplomatic officials.

The visit of Turkish Navy Ship to Pakistan is manifestation of the strong bilateral ties between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey. This visit will further strengthen the existing bonds of friendship between the two countries besides strengthening mutual cooperation. During the visit to Karachi, professional interactions, social activities, including wreath laying at Quaid's Mausoleum, were also held for the crew of TCG GELIBOLU.

Vice Admiral Adnan Ozbal, Commander Turkish Naval Forces has also visited Pakistan concurrent to Turkish Navy Ship visit which signifies the importance of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Turkish Navies.

This visit is of a special significance as on completion of port visit, first Pakistan Navy-Turkish Navy exercise named TURGUT REIS-18 is also planned to improve interoperability between the two Navies and mutual professional gains.





Senior Member
In a strategic shift, Pakistan ending its Arms reliance on US weapons system: Financial Times

WASHINGTON: Pakistan has taken a strategic decision and is ending its arms and weapons reliance upon the US weapon system.

Pakistan is gradually reducing its dependence on American military technology and China is filling the gap, says a *Financial Times <
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>* report <
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>, which also warns that this shift will have geo-political repercussions as well.

The long, almost 2,000-word report notes that the shift started in the last few months of the Obama administration, when Congress blocked the sale of eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan.

In Islamabad, this move was seen as a confirmation of Pakistan’s fear that the United States “could no longer be relied on as their armed forces’ primary source of advanced weapons”, the report adds.

The shift started in the last few months of Obama administration, when Congress blocked sale of eight F-16s to Islamabad

So, Pakistan shifted its focus from F-16s to the JF-17 fighter jets it is developing with China, and which is catching up with the F-16 in terms of capabilities.
procurement away from American-made weapons towards Chinese ones, or those made domestically with Chinese support.

The report also quotes data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, showing that since 2010, US weapons exports to Pakistan have plummeted from $1 billion to just $21 million last year. During the same period, those from China have also fallen, but much more slowly, from $747m to $514m, making China the biggest weapons exporter to Pakistan.

“The shift coincided with Islamabad’s growing suspicion about the closeness between the US and India, but was accelerated by the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil in 2011, which badly damaged relations with the US,” the report added.

US President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend $2bn of military aid to Pakistan — announced in January — further exacerbated the situation.

Identifying one immediate impact of the move, the *FT* noted that US officials were “now finding that Islamabad is less responsive than usual” to their requests for support in Afghanistan.

Harrison Akins, a research fellow at the Howard H Baker Jr Centre for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee, told *FT*: “The Trump administration’s decision … can only push Pakistan further into the arms of Beijing — especially with Pakistan’s shift from US military supplies to Chinese military supplies.”

The report also identified longer-term consequences of this development, noting that sales of weapons systems, often backed by preferential financial terms, were central to the way the US managed its network of military alliances and partnerships. But many of those countries were now buying some of that hardware from other governments, particularly China.

The *Financial Times* noted that Pakistan has been buying from Beijing for decades, starting after the US placed an arms embargo on it in the wake of the 1965 war with India. “After that, every time Islamabad has suffered diplomatic problems with Washington supplies of Chinese weapons have risen,” it added.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Beijing provided supplies and technical knowledge to help Pakistan develop its nuclear weapons, and in the early 1990s shocked Washington by selling its neighbour more than 30 M-11 missiles, capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

The report also noted that in the past decade, the nature of the military relationship between China and Pakistan had changed. China was now selling the “high-end systems in which the US once specialised to Pakistan’s military, and is co-developing many others”.

Jon Grevatt, an analyst at the defence research company Jane’s IHS Markit, told *FT* that in the last decade, China collaborated much more expansively with Pakistan. Since 2010, China has provided A-100 rocket launchers and HQ-16 air defence missile systems to Pakistan while VT-4 tanks were now being tested in Pakistan.

The report, however, focused on three weapons systems that encapsulate the new Chinese capabilities, and threaten US influence in South Asia.

The first is the JF-17 fighter aircraft.

In 2007, Pakistan flew its first two JF-17s, which cost about a third of the price paid for an F-16. Later, China also shared the designs so the Pakistan’s armed forces can build their own, and even export them.

In 2015, Pakistan used a drone to attack militants near the Afghan border, which strongly resembled a Chinese design.

In October 2016, just a month after the US refused to subsidise new F-16s, Beijing agreed to sell eight attack submarines to Pakistan for about $5bn — the biggest single arms export deal in the country’s history.

The report noted that submarines deal came at a time when Washington was relying on India to provide a bulwark against perceived Chinese maritime expansionism.

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Pakistan military has expressed an interest in procuring up to 20 new Mi-35M helicopters in years ahead. “Given the cost of building the necessary Mi-35M logistics and maintenance infrastructure, expanding the fleet beyond four aircraft would financially be a sound decision for the Pakistani military,” . . .

Recently Pakistan Army Aviation took the delivery of newly delivered Four Mil Mi-35M Advance Attack Helicopters.


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's Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan says talks with
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on Su-35s and other arms underway, though did not say when to expect any of them to materialize.

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