Since when do tank crews wear rubber boots?
With apologies to Roger604, this thread over the last few posts seems to have gotten a little astray.
Here's a topic for this thread. Let's see if anyone wants to answer the questions that follow it:
As Crobato wrote in another thread in the last few days, the PLA from early days encouraged individual initiative and emphasized it even at the level of the Rifle Squad. At present, the PLA Rifle Squad has 10 men, led by an NCO (I am unsure, although it would be logical if there may be a second NCO to assist him) and is broken down into 3 teams: one, led by the Squad Commander himself, has a total of 4 men with assault rifles and 1 RPG; a second with a total of 3 men with assault rifles and 1 RPG; and the third with a total of 3 men with assault rifles and a "general-purpose machine gun" (actually a light machine gun of 5.8mm calibre).
Amongst other things, how much infantry training does the PLA infantryman typically receive at present, and what does it place particular emphasis upon, adherence to rote drills or real encouragement and development of quick-thinking on one's feet? Are private soldiers trained how to command the Rifle Squad if their NCO's are lost? What sort of professional development training do NCO's receive? How do these factors interact to determine how the PLA Rifle Squad functions and operates on the battlefield?