Not Again!!!!


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Let me know if you need help... where is the problem though? The host? Your domain name registerar?


New Member
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What happened to Sinodefence last week?

All of last week Sinodefence was down, and I am still having problems accessing some certain articles, mainly to do with the Special Forces areas. What happened? This is a great website and a wonderful reference sourse. It is practically the only resource about the Chinese military besides such data bases as


Junior Member
VIP Professional
thank you for your concern

the website should be OK now. For those pages still with problems, I'll fix them when I come back from holiday.


"the engineer"
he's on vacation, he left a msg here a fews ago about going on vacation and going to be gone for a few weeks.


Lieutenant General
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the sinodefence is offline again.