News on China's scientific and technological development.


Prime example of biased note : D

How could you see the differences without having understanding of the wide array of European cultures?

: D

Or, how could you understand the current standing of world without analyse deeply the cultural ,legal social and scientific history of Europe ?

I don't need to have a deep understanding of European cultures to know that China is far from a monoculture.


Lieutenant General
If Europe is diverse why does the US have so much control over European tech? Where's Europe's Silicon Valley? Where's any competitor in social media? When Shenzhen was first being talked about as China's challenger to Silicon Valley, the notorious suspects tried to spin how it was all hardware unlike Silicon Valley where the game was in apps. And now they're trying ban Chinese apps that are more popular than theirs.


Registered Member
No use complaining ( assuming that was what you were doing).
No one is stopping China from developing its own Intel or AMD or Nvidia.
US simply has the leverage here. (But it is fast eroding).
It depends on whether Chinese STEM graduate leaders are risk takers.
I've a gut feeling that they are not. It requires maverick material. It requires Eisenhowerian Vision, Khrushevian aggression and Maoist Resolve.
Oh no, just pointing out how absurd the current situation is now.

The United States really does not know what it is doing, the left hand slaps around while the right does something else.

Does not seem like a fair fight.

On a deeper level, we probably just assume a policy paralysis, they cannot do anything. The United States just stays stuck there with where they are with their China policy.

China on the other hand, continues moving along.



Registered Member
No use complaining ( assuming that was what you were doing).
No one is stopping China from developing its own Intel or AMD or Nvidia.
US simply has the leverage here. (But it is fast eroding).
It depends on whether Chinese STEM graduate leaders are risk takers.
I've a gut feeling that they are not. It requires maverick material. It requires Eisenhowerian Vision, Khrushevian aggression and Maoist Resolve.

Its require resource allocation to the best, and sending to the scrapyard the worst.

Even if the worst has very good political connections.


Registered Member
Over 50 different races and multiple religions and he somehow thinks it's a monoculture.
: D

Europe has 51 independent states, each with unique legal/political/social system, each has multiple languages, religions and regional cultures. Just as a starter ,and it is far from describe the whole spectrum.

In China there is only one central political / authority for thousands of years - it is not an accident to see Europe as the area where all current legal/social/corporate structure has been created thought multiple trial/error across the continent over thousand years.


No use complaining ( assuming that was what you were doing).
No one is stopping China from developing its own Intel or AMD or Nvidia.
US simply has the leverage here. (But it is fast eroding).
It depends on whether Chinese STEM graduate leaders are risk takers.
I've a gut feeling that they are not. It requires maverick material. It requires Eisenhowerian Vision, Khrushevian aggression and Maoist Resolve.
It’s not whether they are inherently risk takers, but whether the rewards of taking risk are motivating enough.