News on China's scientific and technological development.


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USTC created a prosthetic hand with 19 degrees of freedom (DOF) dexterity from shape-memory alloy actuators. It weighs only 0.38kg. Human hands have 23 DOF dexterity and typically weigh about 0.4kg. The prosthetic hand can recognize voice commands in multiple languages with 95% accuracy and latency of milliseconds.

Paper in English:
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A human hand has 23-degree-of-freedom (DOF) dexterity for managing activities of daily living (ADLs). Current prosthetic hands, primarily driven by motors or pneumatic actuators, fall short in replicating human-level functions, primarily due to limited DOF. Here, we develop a lightweight prosthetic hand that possesses biomimetic 19-DOF dexterity by integrating 38 shape-memory alloy (SMA) actuators to precisely control five fingers and the wrist. The prosthetic hand features real-time sensing of joint angles in each finger, feeding data into a control module for selectively heating or cooling SMA actuators in a closed-loop manner, mimicking the functioning of human muscles. Enabled by the high-power density of SMAs, the hand part (from the wrist to the fingertip) only weighs 0.22 kg, much lower than existing products. We also integrate an onboard power management module that provides electricity for operating the entire system. In addition to 33 standard grasping modes, this prosthetic hand supports 6 advanced grasping modes designed for enhanced dexterity evaluation, expanding the range of achievable ADLs for amputees while facilitating standard prosthesis function tests and validation in real-world scenarios. This innovation offers a significant advancement in prosthetic hand functions, promising improved quality of life for users.

News in Chinese:
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IT之家从中国科学技术大学官网获悉,近日,中国科学技术大学工程科学学院 / 人形机器人研究院张世武教授、王柳特任教授、金虎副教授与孙帅帅特任教授成功研发了一种具备 19 自由度的轻质仿生灵巧手,能够复现人手级别的功能,有望服务全球上千万上肢截肢患者的手部功能重建与日常生活辅助,并应用于人形机器人灵巧操作。相关成果 1 月 22 日以 "A lightweight prosthetic hand with 19-DOF dexterity and human-level functions" 为题在线发表于国际学术期刊《Nature Communications》。

人手具备 23 个自由度,重量仅为人体重量约 1/150,但运动功能占全身运动功能的 54%,是体现人类以及人形机器人工作能力的关键部件。然而,现实中,包括人形机器人的灵巧手以及全球超过一千万名上肢截肢患者的假肢手应用面临挑战。传统假肢灵巧手通常使用电机驱动,功率密度低,难以在自由度与重量之间找到理想平衡:佩戴超过人手重量(0.4 千克)的灵巧手会让患者感到严重不适,而自由度较低(通常少于 10 个)灵巧手仅能实现有限的抓握动作,远不及人手的灵活性。这些限制导致接近一半的假肢灵巧手被患者放弃使用。因此,兼顾高自由度灵巧运动和舒适佩戴的设计方法是假肢灵巧手领域的重要科学问题之一。

研究团队以高功重比形状记忆合金(SMA)为人工肌肉驱动,仿生设计了类肌腱传动系统放大 SMA 的驱动力同时减小传动阻力,基于类肌腱分离传动特征在手指及手腕内嵌入 23 组传感单元实现关节精确运动控制,并集成包含冷却模块的 38 组阵列式 SMA 驱动器,实现了假肢灵巧手的 19 主动自由度运动,如图 1 所示。得益于仿生设计方法和高度集成方法,所设计的假肢灵巧手仅重 0.37 千克,具备人手级别的灵巧操作能力,可完成诸如梳头、写字、握手、递名片和下棋等日常精细操作任务,实现了佩戴舒适性、高自由度和精确可控的兼顾。

通过与语音识别技术结合,假肢灵巧手具备简单、友好且低成本的人机交互能力,支持 60 种语言和 20 种方言,具备 95% 的识别准确率和毫秒级的响应时间,适于在截肢患者中普及。在临床测试中,一名 60 岁女性截肢患者仅用半天便熟练掌握该假肢灵巧手的使用,成功完成了多项标准假肢手功能评估实验中的代表性任务,包括南安普顿手功能评估程序(SHAP)和沃尔夫运动功能测试(WMFT)。值得一提的是,该假肢灵巧手还展现了操作剪刀、使用手机以及完成复杂的手语手势的能力,完美复现传统的 33 种人手抓握动作,还能够完成 6 种更高难度的新抓握动作,使用场景丰富(图 2)。该假肢灵巧手具有极强的工程应用前景,可为人形机器人灵巧操作及高性能假肢手研究提供有效的解决方案。



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A modern tech Jim Crow.

This how the treatment of Chinese researchers have devolve to in US universities, they are being treated like third rate class people for contributing their brain power to the US. For doing fundamental public research <Because the paper was going to be published anyways> no even classify research.



Grumpy Old Man
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US scientist cleared of hiding ties to China sues university that fired him​

Feng ‘Franklin’ Tao says that the University of Kansas violated its own policies after he was wrongly arrested under the China Initiative.

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I doubt this will go anywhere. I suspect what will happen is the court case will drag on and eventually the court will say that even though the University was ultimately incorrect it had acted "reasonably" or "out of an abundance of caution" and be let off with no penalty or at most a symbolic meaningless slap on the wrist, while not being obliged to give the guy his job back.


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US scientist cleared of hiding ties to China sues university that fired him​

Feng ‘Franklin’ Tao says that the University of Kansas violated its own policies after he was wrongly arrested under the China Initiative.

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He is still in the US?
If yes, he should stfu because US is full on MAGA mode now.

He should keep working on his liberal and freeTM US and stop complaining. If you can, but don't want to leave, everything that happens later on is on you. Don't complain about justice in MAGA white country


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Any Chinese scientist working for the US Department of Defense on classified projects is doing so with the knowledge that it is likely to be used against China. From the CIA’s perspective, such people are either traitors to their race, or spies; so this is the expected treatment, I don’t know why they’d have believed otherwise.

You’re not American just because you hold a pass port and worship the West. People will judge you for your choices in relation to your race & ethnicity. For a true white American nationalist, a race traitor is the lowest of trash. So you will be treated accordingly.
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Registered Member
Any Chinese scientist working for the US Department of Defense on classified projects is doing so with the knowledge that it is likely to be used against China. From the CIA’s perspective, such people are either traitors to their race, or spies; so this is the expected treatment, I don’t know why they’d have believed otherwise.

You’re not American just because you hold a pass port and worship the West. People will judge you for your choices in relation to your race & ethnicity. For a true white American nationalist, a race traitor is the lowest of trash. So you will be treated accordingly.
But that is the situation is not classified research, the work is going to be published in a public journal. The treatment is McCarthyism, if the work was classified the scientist wouldn't even be there because is obvious that this researcher wouldn't be able to get a security clearance.