Soon after China has gained the
production capacity of Molybdenum-100 isotope in kilograms, scientists from CAS is able to produce the Mo-99m isotope in high purity by using electron linear accelerator (linac) to shoot a target rich of Mo-100. So far China has to import 100% of its need of the Mo-99 isotope for clinical uses. Most of the clinical Mo-99 isotopes in the world have been created as a byproduct of U-235 fission reactions in nuclear reactors.
This experiment by CAS will help China overcome the shortage on the Mo isotopes when more and more commercial nuclear reactors around the global are being taken out of service. Making the Mo isotopes with linac also has less byproducts to remove in the end.
Optimization of target system for the production of 99Mo via 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo reaction
With an increase of stopping operation of nuclear reactors worldwide, the supply of medical 99Mo becomes difficult and thus many efforts have been made to find an alternative. A process based on an electron
(linac) system and a100Mo target via the 100Mo (γ,n)99Mo reaction receives a lot of attention due to the relatively low level of co-produced impurities. This process has been recently developed at the Institute of Modern
(IMP) and the Monte Carlo simulation was used to optimize the target system before operating pilot irradiation experiments. First, tungsten and tantalum, as mostly used converter materials, were tested. The yield of 99Mo was evaluated with respect to the converter thickness and the
energy by means of Geant4 simulations. Besides, the specific activity of 99Mo produced from one-stage approach (100Mo target without a converter) and two-stage approach (100Mo target with a converter) was compared when varying the testing conditions. The two-stage approach was selected for the experiment due to the higher specific activity of produced 99Mo at all tested conditions. A target consisting of a 10 mm thickness of the 100Mo tablets and a 2.4 mm thick Ta converter was irradiated for 40 h (50 MeV with 0.2 μA). The Geant4-calculated specific activity of generated 99Mo at the end of bombardment agreed well with the experimental value, which proved high level of accuracy of the Geant4 simulation. In future studies, the Geant4 simulation will be used to optimize the production process when using high power linac system.
News story:
近期,中国科学院近代物理研究所科研团队实现了利用电子加速器制备医用同位素钼-99。相关成果发表在国际同位素领域期刊《应用辐射与同位素》(Applied Radiation and Isotopes)上。