News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Whats the significance of this compared to other wireless communication methods?
I am not a communication expert. According to this news release, shortwave radio communication technologies are mature and well known. Shortwave radio stations are small in size. They can easily transmit and receive information over long distance, like a thousand kilometers, without the need for relay. It is therefore an important communication option for emergencies such as wars and disasters.

But because of the low bandwidth, it was only possible for voice and short text messages on shortwave radio. Now with images, shortwave radio will have more use cases.

Meanwhile, this highly efficient image compression technology can also find its place in many other fields, including on the faster wireless channels such as WiFi and 5G. The hunger for bandwidth never ends.

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English language reporting on the final verification of China's fully domestic 110mw gas turbine. Apparently the system has operated for 14000 hours at this point so new ones can probably be rapidly be put into operation once built. If the hot components on the blades are fully local too then China basically doesn't need foreign input for this technology anymore. Big news since for mechanical engineering heavy turbines were one of the last remaining things China couldn't do.

GE, Siemens, and Mitsubishi might be in for a rude awakening in the coming few years.


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China study turns brain activity into Mandarin, breaks language barrier​

•Researchers adapt algorithms to recognise tones, giving hope to Chinese-speaking patients with communication disorders​

•The model outperforms existing methods to produce mostly clear and recognisable synthesised speech​

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in Beijing Published: 5:00pm, 14 Jun, 2023 Updated: 6:12pm, 14 Jun, 2023

Chinese scientists said they have found a way to synthesise tonal Mandarin speech from activity in the brain. Photo: Shutterstock

Chinese scientists said they have found a way to synthesise tonal Mandarin speech from activity in the brain. Photo: Shutterstock

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say they have developed the first mind-reading machine capable of turning human thought into spoken
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The team, led by Wu Jinsong from Huashan Hospital – affiliated with Fudan University’s Shanghai Medical College – said the advancement could help to restore speech capabilities in communication disorder patients who speak tonal languages.

Advances in brain-computer interface technology have already led to machines that can articulate brief phrases in English and Japanese from recordings of brain activity. But the unique challenges of Mandarin have so far been beyond their capability.

The study, in collaboration with researchers from Tianjin University and ShanghaiTech University, plugs a research gap with a method to decode and articulate Mandarin speech from brain activity, the scientists said.

The neurolinguistic structure and pronunciation of Mandarin meant that English-based neural mechanisms and algorithms could not be directly adapted. Syllables with the same structure but different tones can represent various words.

For instance, the Mandarin syllable “ma” has four different tones that can mean “mother”, “hemp”, “horse”, and “scold”, respectively. To navigate this complexity, Wu and his team enhanced the algorithms that observe neural activities.

The earlier studies used electrodes placed directly on the brain to establish the connections between speech and movements of the larynx, lips, jaw and tongue.

The researchers used the same invasive technique for the neural recordings, but amplified the signal strength of the larynx, treating its movements separately in the algorithm to place additional emphasis on the pitch of the final sound.

Wu’s team targeted specific brain areas related to speech with multiple algorithms that worked in tandem, combining their outputs to produce tonal speech. According to Wu, the results were impressive, with the method outperforming traditional techniques.

The researchers used two different metrics to evaluate the method’s efficacy. A tone intelligibility assessment tested how accurately listeners could identify the tonal speech sound, with results ranging from 81.7-92.3 per cent accuracy.

Sound quality of the synthesised speech was evaluated through a mean opinion score which rated the method at 3.86 out of five – mostly clear, with just a bit of focused listening required, the researchers said.

A schematic of the findings from the Chinese study into converting brain activity into Mandarin speech. Illustration: Wu Jinsong

A schematic of the findings from the Chinese study into converting brain activity into Mandarin speech. Illustration: Wu Jinsong

The findings could potentially be extended to other tonal languages. “Our model is also applicable to other dialects of Chinese, such as Cantonese and Wu Chinese, where we need to extend the tone decoder module to decode seven or nine tones,” Wu said.

With further development, brain-computer interface implants could one day vocalise thoughts, essentially giving voice to the voiceless, the researchers said.


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Wow. Domination began in 2022. This decade is going to be quite interesting
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Nature Index Annual Tables 2023: China tops natural-science table​

India is another notable riser whereas Russia is among those losing ground.
China’s adjusted Share in the natural sciences — which includes the physical sciences, chemistry, Earth and environmental sciences and biological sciences —
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, enough to comfortably surpass the United States for the first time (see ‘Shifting balance’).

China also dominated at an institutional level. Half of the 20 institutions with the highest Share scores for natural-science articles in 2022 were based in China. Each of those Chinese institutions saw improvements in their adjusted Share between 2021 and 2022, while every non-Chinese institution saw a decline (see ‘Rising stars’). The only institution to come close to bucking this trend was the University of Cambridge, UK, which lost just 0.1% of its adjusted Share.
Big improvement by Nanjing University


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It's interesting how huge the gap is between China and South Korea, despite the latter having 300% the per capita GDP.

Japan at least has the excuse that they were once pretty strong in this area.
South Korea relatively weak in science.

but they are super strong in engineering and high tech. look at this chart of Patent grants in 2021.

with just 50+ Million people, they get 156,972 patents in 2021. punching above their weight.

Patents grant in 2021.jpg


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I thought it was going to be a larger announcement, but China Mobile cloud just revealed that it has been using full stack of Huawei technology
研新一代呼叫平台,将全网呼叫平台整合为一朵云,构建成一张覆盖全国的融合通信网络,支撑全网范围的话务调度。联合华为、openEuler社区和openGauss社区开展云客服技术创新,目前已经累计部署超过千台鲲鹏服务器;openEuler开源操作系统超3万套, openGauss开源数据库已经在一体化客服、智能语音客服、5G视频平台等10+个生产业务中进行了商用部署;在人工智能计算基于昇腾展开了智能语音等场景的业务联合创新。
so kunpeng, ascend, openEuler, openGauss for various needs.